Temple Mount Activist Indicted for Attempting to Bring a Korban Pesach

kpeThe Jerusalem Magistrate Court on Sunday morning 1 Chol Hamoed Pesach released the head of the Return to Har Habayis organization, Refael Morris, who was detained on erev Pesach when he and others tried to shecht a korban Pesach.

While the court rejected the police request to remand the suspect, Morris was nevertheless indicted. His attorney, Itamar Ben-Givir showed the court cases in which Arabs who created disturbances on Har Habayis were released. Morris was released but will have to remain at his parent’s homes until after Pesach, outside of Yerushalayim.

Ben-Givir stated his client should not be indicted but given a citation for his actions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. #1- Obviously, they are of the opinion that there is an obligation mideorayta to bring a korban Pesach and that there is no halachic barrier to do so today. Presumably, you agree with the first part and disagree with the second. If you were to enumerate the specific halachic barriers that in your opinion exist to bringing a korban Pesach today, perhaps someone might offer an explanation as to what these people are thinking.

  2. A Korban Pesah is made for the Am which means that it can be made bideeved with a Kohen in a state of tumah, furthermore a kosher meezbeach is not some sort of mystery, there are multiple kosher ones in existence (people seem to forget that the head of the Temple Institue Rav Ariel shlita was very close with Hacham Ovadia ztl, while they may not have agreed on everything the clei qadosh have many hascamot) the only issue one might have is that they have discounted certain opinions of where the Beit HaMiqdash was based on archeology but hey, according to the Brisker Rav ztl if you visit the kotel plaza you have karet anyway.

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