Police on erev Pesach arrested a number of people involved in an effort to shecht a korban Pesach as is done annually in the Old City of Yerushalayim. Police explain the men were taken into custody because their actions were provocative and likely to spark a violent Arab response. The activists involved appear to be members of the Right to Return to Har Habayis organization.
The police statement to the media reads “The Jerusalem police works to provide balance, in order to enable all three faiths to exercise their freedom of religion with the guarantee of personal safety and security and also expects that public to act with tolerance and mutual respect during this time period”.
Officials from the Return to the Temple Mount organization expressed outrage and are calling on Am Yisrael to visit Har Habayis in large numbers during Pesach. The organization’s leader, Refael Morris, was indicted on Sunday.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
5 Responses
Even if you believe –against the psakim of ALL the Gedolim– that we can and should somehow restore the Avodas Hakodesh now, nothing is in place that would even make it MUTTAR to be makriv a Korban Pesach! You need a kosher Kohen Gadol; a Sanhedrin to appoint him; the Mizbeach must be be built, and in its precise spot; bigdai kehunah, and so on. So aside from being negged daas Torah (not by sny means a small matter), it is pure nonsense and am haraatzus.
Every year there is some nutcase that tries to smuggle a lamb up to har habayis “to bring a korban pesach” or engage in some other mindless charade that is likely to trigger violence and bloodshed from the Palestinians. These individual deserve to be prosecuted and harshly punished.
While I oppose going there based on halacha, it should not be the secular G-d less Zionists telling us so, the Zionists will do anything to stop Yidden from doing mitzvos.
The only poseq who covers the Avodah and laws relating to Eretz Yisrael is the Rambam. Therefore, Rambam is authoritative in these areas as the Shulchan Aruch does not cover them. And according to the Rambam, and the Talmud, the Qorban Pesach can be brought in tuma when the entire nation is tamei met.
#4- Ouriel: I did not mention tum’ah, did I? Why do you focus only on hat, when I brought in other REAL problems with being makriv korbanos? Straw man tactics?