Birchas Kohanim on Monday Morning at the Kosel


Monday is the second day of Chol Hamoed Pesach in Eretz Yisrael, the day on which the central Birchas Kohanim is held at the Kosel. (It is not held on the first day of chol hamoed due to the many ‘chutznikim’ who keep a second day of yomtov in Israel). Shachris will begin at the Kosel at 8:45 and Birchas Kohanim for shachris will begin at about 9:30. Musaf is scheduled to begin at 10:00 followed by Birchas Kohanim at 10:15.

Some 1,000 police troops are dispersed around the city during yomtov with an emphasis placed on the Old City and the Kosel area.

Persons coming to the Kosel are advised to allow time for rigid security inspections before entering. Persons are also urged to remain courteous and accommodate requests from security personnel. At times they may appear harsh and discourteous or make what appears to be an unreasonable request but they are often aware of a situation which is not apparent to visitors.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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