PHOTO: Man Burns His ‘Smart Phones’ With His Chometz

fThe following text was submitted to YWN along with these photos: I was burning my Chometz today when an old friend came to bring his Chometz too. After the croissants and wafers, he took out an iPhone 5 and removed the sim card. Then another iPhone 5. He threw them into the fire and with great Kavono said ‘Boruch Sheptorani Mei’Onshoi shel ze’.. Kol Chamiro..

16 Responses

  1. I saw some yukel throw in a can of string beans which are not even chametz and it exploded all over people these yutzes must be related

  2. He could have given the phone to a recycling center instead of contributing towards pollution.

    He could have given it to Hatzalah which would have used this phone to dispatch calls.

    He could have installed filtering software or discarded internet connectivity.

    I would not praise his behavior.

  3. A real fool.

    Smart Phones have Nickel Cadmium batteries than when they are set afire, EXPLODE.

    Someone could have really gotten hurt

  4. Maybe he is a Viznitzer chossid. Their Rebbe assured them that even if they have approved internet, they should bring the phone to sereifas chometz and receive the brocha that their parnossa will double. In Viznitz there is no danger of a battery exploding, nor do they need Hatzola and what is pollution? There are a lot of disconnected people in this world; just depends on which type of disconnection you are talking about!

  5. Zehavasdad, cadmium isn’t used for batteries anymore. It’s lithium mostly nowadays.

    While seemingly logically it is a foolish thing to do, the usual case is that he had some hissorerus to stop using a smartphone (there are plenty of good reasons to), but if he would have procrastinated and given it to recycling/Hatzolah etc, he might have lost that awakening and not fone anything at all. Thus it may have been worth it for him and been a good way to discard it (you know that medrash where the BY saw the mitzrim die by the sfas hayam, they each brought their dog and said something like “chew in that hand that ruled over me” – basically a psychological technique to get the fear of mitzram out of BY; from a cool drasha why its called yetzias mitzraim and not mimiztraim… Anyway)

    On the other hand, I would have microwaved them instead for the fun of it =P.

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