MK Zoabi Compares The State Of Israel To The Nazis

1In the past, Arab MK Hanin Zoabi has compared the IDF to Nazis. This time she compares the State of Israel.

Zoabi feels one cannot teach the Holocaust while one ignores the “striking similarities” between Germany in the 1930s and what is taking place today. Stirring controversy with her remarks once again, Zoabi has refused to attend an upcoming Holocaust memorial event scheduled to take place in Yad Mordechai in two weeks. She responded to the invitation with a nasty letter.

In her angrily worded letter she accuses Israel of executing Palestinians without a trial and draws a connection to Nazi Germany.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. She is a career criminal, and needs to be prosecuted and put in jail. No visitors, no attorney. She has been a rabid animal since she entered Israeli politics, making a total enemy of herself. She is the terrorist who sits in the Knesset. Be rid of her.

  2. Contrast her with Meir Ettinger, lehavdil elef havdolos. Meir Ettinger, a young Jew, is sitting in jail in the supposedly Jewish State of Israel without trial or judicial accusation. He was not ebven given a few hours furlough to attend his bechor’s bris. This pig Zoabi is sitting in the Israeli Parliament drawing a salary good Jews are contributing to whilst she undermines the Jewish State and espouses her filth. Tell me, who is crazy here?

  3. If she’s comparing Israel (I.E. Jews) to Nazis does that mean she’s comparing Palestinians to Jews (I.E. Israelis)?

  4. Theo, couldn’t agree more. And, how far will they go taking no responsibility for their own actions and saying “we have to appease the international community.”

  5. too bad she was not in Poland etc when the Nazis came and exterminated the Jews so she can see the difference.

    She should be punished with required holocaust education courses

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