PM Threatens To Fire Bennett During A Cabinet Meeting

bibeLife between Education Minister Naftali Bennett and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is strained on the best of days, including ups and downs that may have reached an unprecedented level at a recent cabinet meeting on Wednesday, 12 Nissan.

According to reports, the situation between the two deteriorated at the meeting to the point Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu threatened to oust Bennett from the cabinet. It appears this latest round surrounded the possibility of reducing or removing IDF troops operating in PA areas (Areas A) and the Prime Minister’s decision not to bring the matter to a cabinet vote.

PM Netanyahu reportedly promised to bring the matter to discussion during the meeting amid reports Israel is now committed to removing IDF forces from PA (Palestinian Authority) areas. At some point Mr. Netanyahu shouted at Bennett “You don’t run the show here”, going so far as to threaten ousting Bennett from the cabinet.

“Calm yourself or I will fire you!” Mr. Netanyahu reportedly shouted back at Bennett.

Those present who were willing to speak to the media explained that while tings between Bennett and Netanyahu have not been great, this latest round was unprecedented. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister later in the meeting explained he did not like the way Bennett spoke or his tone, but he did agree to discuss the matter as requested by Bennett before the feud.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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