Jewish Waterbury Hashgacha Pratis Story

cashThe following was on an email group for the Waterbury Jewish Community. The names in the story have been changed.

Good morning,

As you know, I posted an email yesterday that an envelope of money and personal checks was found on my lawn. What I, and the person to whom the envelope belongs, didn’t realize at the time, was that there is a really cool back story here that is hashgacha pratis.

I called up Sara Kibber this morning in response to her email that one of her sons is the rightful owner of the envelope. I called her because I wanted to explain to her that I really didn’t do much in this story besides keep the envelope in my house. The person who really found the money was the shoprite delivery guy who worked the 5-7 shift.

The delivery man (I can’t remember his name because I was so flustered at the time, but maybe Wally?) called me to tell me he was at my door, and to inform me that there were personal checks and cash all over my lawn. I was in the YK parking lot at the time picking something up and rushed home. The man had picked up everything he could find when I arrived.

When I finished telling this to Sara, she told me that it must be HaShem’s way of paying her back. A week or so ago, she was bringing her daughter to babysitting before work, realized she forgot something at home, and went back to get it. She saw the shoprite delivery truck drop their credit card reader and… An envelope of money! Sara called up shoprite to return the money to the delivery man, who picked it up later that day.

It’s always amazing when you can see HaShem’s hand in your life. We know He is always there orchestrating everything, but we don’t have “kriyas yam suf” every day. It’s moments like these, no matter how little, that remind us that He is always looking out for us.

In the merit of our shmiras hamitzvos, may klal yisroel be zochim to all be “returned” to Eretz Yisroel, and may our words at the conclusion of the Seder, “l’shana habaa’h b’yerushalayim” come into fruition with the coming of moshiach.

Pesach kasher v’sameach!

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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