Trump Says Bathroom Laws ‘Discriminatory’

TrumpDonald Trump says he believes transgender people should be able to use whichever bathroom they choose.

Speaking at a town hall event on NBC’s “Today” Thursday, Trump said North Carolina’s so-called “bathroom law,” which directs transgender people to use the bathroom that matches the gender on their birth certificates, has caused unnecessary strife.

“There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble,” he says.

Still, he says he’s opposed to the move to create new, non-gendered bathrooms open to anyone, calling that push “discriminatory in a certain way” and “unbelievably expensive for businesses and the country.”

He says if Caitlyn Jenner, formerly former Olympic gold medal winner Bruce Jenner, were to walk into Trump Tower, she could use whichever bathroom she wanted.


22 Responses

  1. Does this mean if a male were to “feel female” he could use the ladies locker room from now on at the local ymca/ymha?
    And if yes then I suppose the male maintenance staff or life guard, could join your girls locker room this coming summer at camp.
    And if you objected then you are a bigot? And non-progressive? Close minded? Old fashioned? Family value man?
    Or -gasp- orthodox?
    I really hope I get some answers from anyone who disagrees.

  2. Baal Boose, here’s your answer: VOTE FOR CRUZ! If you’re in N.Y. or a lot of other places it’s too late for that. If Trump ends up being the nominee all I have to say is “presenting President Clinton II.

  3. To Charles;
    I hear you but that wansnt my question.
    (Btw I just wonder if Cruz would have been as Courageous w/o Trump in the race?) If/when Trump disappears will he still have cajones.

  4. Vote for who?! Oh are you one of those that were screaming vote cruz in NY/brooklyn, yup you didn’t even give him one delegate not even one! Because you guys are a bunch of registered democrats liberal hockers, and the ones who are registered republicans voted for Donald Trump because they have more common sense then you.. Stop hocking give me a break!

  5. Isn’t this “YESHIVA” world? Why does my 12 year old have to ask me what’s transgender and when I ask him where he heard that he said son yeshiva world. Why is this story important? JUST SAYING!!!!!!

    Moderators Response:

    This topic absolutely belongs on YWN.

    #1- This man may be the next president.

    #2- Frum women should be aware that MEN will be walking around public bathrooms.

    Think about it.

    Have a wonderful Yom Tov!

  6. Better Clinton than Trump. He’s just as liberal as her, if not more, with a hypermanic ego to boot, and an alarming disrespect for the laws and regulations designed to prevent an unhinged individual from taking too much power.

  7. I am not a big Trump fan but given he is likely to be our next president, its good to see that he is finally taking some moderate positions (e.g. support for the rape/incest exceptions for abortion, support for Planned Parenthood non-abortion medical services, continuation of most social security and Medicaid programs etc.)

    On bathroom access for trans-gender people, his position makes sense and was just affirmed by the 4th circuit court of appeals, one of the most conservative courts. For most shuls, yeshivos and beis midrashim, its NOT going to be a big issue. First of all, there are relatively few frum yidden who will publicly identify themselves as trans-gender. They will not have to construct special bathrooms for transgender daveners or talmidim. It will be no big deal if the occasional trans-gender visitor at the shul wants to use a bathroom. Just go in, do you business, bench asher yatzar and go out…end of story. Stop obsessing about such trivia.

  8. Hope all those frum New Yorkers who voted for this madman feel good about their candidate now. The man is an egotistical fraud.

    (Hannity is the biggest hypocrite of all. He fawns over Trump who has calls Bush a war criminal. Hannity and crew were the biggest cheerleaders for the Iraq war. If Bush is a war criminal than Hannity is also one. I could only imagine his bombastic outrage had some Democrat made that claim)

  9. I just noted that Cruz came in FOURTH in some precincts on the west side of Manhattan. Apparently, the NYC Election Board didn’t have time to take Dr. Carson’s name off the ballot after he dropped out 6 weeks ago and he actually got more votes than Cruz.

  10. Gadolhadorah, are you going to check to make sure the person using the bathroom with you is indeed a so-called transgender, and not some sicko pervert? Or are you, like every other liberal hypocrite going to avoid using that bathroom because in fact you do not feel safe using the same facility. By the way, the law will apply everywhere, not just in frum institutions – and, yes, if these laws pass they indeed will present problems in yeshivas, etc. Would you mind sharing your locker room at the gym, etc with someone who is recognizably either sick or perverted?

  11. To gadolhatorah (sic),
    I notice you choose to ignore a major point that was brought up.
    What do you do when a hired male life guard starts using the girls locker room (and shared shower room) in camp this year. (Let’s say they’re over 18 and the staff (morahs and counsellors ) use them also. ).
    Remember you can’t fire him, you can’t stop him. (All he’s got to do is say I started feeling females)
    Please answer.

  12. Gadolhadorah:
    Do you think that frum yidden never set foot in any bathroom outside of a Yeshiva or shul? What could possible go through a person’s head to post a comment like that? There’s absolutely nothing moderate about a MAN being able to violate a women’s bathroom and get away with it just by saying he “identifies” as a woman. There’s nothing moderate about making 99.9% of the country uncomfortable just to cater to the .01% with this issue.

    This is comparable to asking everyone around a schizophrenic person to pretend like their imaginary person is actually there so as not to offend them. And, anyone who acts with common sense and doesn’t turn the blind eye to the present mental illness is a “bigot.”

  13. Also on the comment of “there are relatively few frum yidden who will publicly identify themselves as trans-gender.”

    There are NO frum yidden who would identify in such a way, otherwise they are NOT frum!

  14. Dear moderator next time put Tag<\strong> properly in the html file, i can help u out with that, Or maybe not i dont want to support a liberal media platform.

  15. You liberals have to decide what you want… You want separate bathrooms in shuls schools etc? Do you?? Of course not so why are you complaining, oh maybe its hard to actually READ articles, or maybe you cant read who knows?! Liberals YOU gotta THINK about the issues and THINK what the alternative is then comment, unless you support Hillary Clinton we don’t expect you to have any form of intelligence!

  16. Anybody besides me wondering what gadolhameshuganah is smoking?

    “there are relatively few frum yidden who will publicly identify themselves as trans-gender”
    Huh? Few? More like 0! Can’t be both!
    “Just go in, do you business, bench asher yatzar”
    What kind of Asher yatzer is a transgender making? Refaeinu is more like it.

  17. TrueCommonSense, they have lost their intelligence because of $ (through MORE and MORE programs). $ makes people lose all forms of intelligence. Even simple intelligence of making the best choices for their kids!

    It’s incredibly stupid of every frum person who votes for Hillary or Trump. If they care about their kids but need more money shouldn’t buy that Bugaboo carriage, nor that $$$$ Shaitel, nor go on vacations, nor make expensive simchas. Just stop this lifestyle of relying on the government because you can’t afford xyz. And who will the Rabbonim and community leaders support?! I want to see what they say regarding voting for Hillary who will help create an even more immoraly perversive environment.

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