Looking For a Job and Want Your Salary to Go Further?


Are you a  professional who is looking for a job opportunity and want your salary to go further?

Well Rochester, NY offers a wide array of job opportunities in many fields. Also, because of the ease of commuting in Rochester (where we define “rush hour” as having to drive the speed limit), you are not limited to job opportunities in Rochester alone. We are a short, relaxed drive from many other communities in Western New York where jobs can be found.

When you find a job here your salary will go much further as well. The cost of living in Rochester is 45% lower than in NYC. Practically, that means that if you are earning $80,000 a year now, you will only need to earn less than $44,000 in Rochester to maintain the same standard of living. (source: www.salary.com)

When looking to find a job in a new community, the key is networking. That’s why we utilize our local community connections, as well as personal relationships with many staffing agencies, to help facilitate the job search for people looking to relocate in Rochester. You can utilize our list of job openings and staffing agencies at www.TorahRochester.com/ jobs to see if there is a job that is right for you. But please send your resume to [email protected] as well so we can help you find the best jobs available.

Below are some lists of resources and please see our website for a full listing:

Public school jobs such as speech therapy, PT and OT available now – www.monroe2boces.org

Sutherland Global Services is a Rochester based business that employs over 3,000 people locally. They employee people in many different industries and have entry level positions available as well. Check out their job positions here www.sutherlandglobal.com If you are interested in a position you can also email our local contact there Joe Schlesinger at [email protected].

Also check out opportunities at CGI communications. A wonderful, local business with over 300 employees. CGI just created our new advertising video and it was a real pleasure working with them. They fill positions in all types of fields. www.cgicompany.com/careers

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See our website www.TorahRochester.com for more details or contact us at [email protected] or 585-340-7143 to learn more or schedule a visit.


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