Rav Zilberstein Has Words Of Praise For The IDF

zilbHaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein Shlita, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Degel Hatorah expresses words of praise for the IDF.

Rav Zilberstein, who is the rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak praised the IDF, explaining military authorities permit chareidi soldiers to attend shiurim that he gives. It is added the chareidi soldiers do not eat the refreshments provided them for the shiur as the IDF makes certain they receive a mehadrin diet. The rav added there are sentries around the building while he gives the shiur, no less than around an army base.

“I want to praise the IDF, I really want to commend it for providing the opportunity for 40 soldiers to come and take part in the shiur” Kikar Shabbos News quotes Rabbi Zilberstein saying. When one of the participants said “It is like this every year” the rav responded “And they aren’t entitled to praise every year?”

Rabbi Zilberstein explains the army gives 100 soldiers each year but this year only 40, citing it was most likely not possible to send more. The rav added that not only are the refreshments sent for the soldiers edible, they a ‘mehudar’ and sent specially for the shiur participants. He is quoted adding the military receives meat with the best hechsher in the world.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. This is exactly the problem.

    Look I Reb Moshe Feinstien zt’l drushes, he writes the worst people do some good in order to kosher the bad.

    The IDF as is, is Chazir Treif!!!

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