VIDEO: Pesach Psak Halacha For Medical Cannabis [Marijuana] From Bnei Brak; Rav Chaim Kanievsky Says Amen To Bracha On Marijuana


Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberstein Shlita has ruled that medical cannabis that does not come into contact with grains is kosher for Pesach without fear of kitnios.

Rav Zilberstein even made the Bracha ‘בורא מיני בשמים’ while aside of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita.

Since Health Minister Yaakov Litzman legalized medical marijuana,  there has been growing interest among chareidim as to the product’s kashrus, and at this time of year, it’s suitability for Pesach for those requiring it R”L.

It is reported that the medical cannabis sold by industry leader Vireo Health is indeed kosher for Pesach, even for those who do not eat kitnios. The company producing the product in Israel, ‘Siach’ (שיח) contacted Rabbi Zilberstein, a member of the Degel Hatorah Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah and Mora D’asra of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak.

It is pointed out, this psak only refers to medical cannabis grown under controlled conditions before Pesach and not any ‘weed’ available on the streets or elsewhere.

Rav Zilberstein concluded Rav Chaim is in total agreement with his psak.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Three questions:

    1) If it is “medical” marijuana, isn’t a choleh allowed to eat kitnyos anyway?

    2) Why is the bracha on smelling “minei b’samim” and not asbei b’samim?

    3) From the conversation it sounds like he was telling Reb Chaim people smell it for refua. That’s why he asked to smell it. He understood it has a good smell. But does it? Do people enjoy smellingthis stuff too?

  2. Tomatoes get washed but if it’s smoked then it’s not worse then a cigarette and that a lot of Gedolim hold its ok to smoke even with all the added junk Why because i was told if it’s not eaten not a problem of chametz not all agree and some say particular brands of cigarettes are problematic ask your Rabbi if need be

  3. I’m sure they didn’t tell him everything he needs to know about marijuana in general. It’s just the way it works these days. You can get rabbis to say whatever you want.

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