Mishpacha Writer Reflects on Exclusive One on One With Frontrunner Donald Trump

besI wasn’t sure what to expect.

I’ve seen enough Donald Trump footage to know it would be interesting. It was certainly a mark of prestige that our magazine, Mishpacha, served as the forum for a one-on-one interview with the Republican front-runner.

There were no pre-conditions and I assumed no obligation to provide a positive report. I’m certainly not qualified to have an opinion or endorse candidates. I write these impressions simply so that the public can make an informed decision.

I experienced a moment of complete intimidation when Mr. Trump welcomed me in to his office.

But just a moment. He was disarmingly warm and courteous, interested in our magazine and the community it serves.

Then he invited me to ask my questions. He addressed each one head on, with a lightning-fast grasp of the topics presented, offering realistic answers.

He spoke- how to say this- like a normal person. No grandstanding, no theatre, no empty phrases and no affectations.

Of particular interest was not just his respect for the Jewish community, but his visceral understanding of our fears: we spoke about Israel, but also how a stronger Israel would affect a Jew walking on a quiet street in New York. When nations will know “that attacking Israel is something you can’t get away with,” then the teenagers in Europe will know that “assaulting a Jew is something you can’t get away with.”

He shared his distaste for the way that the Obama administration “likes Iran better than Israel, when Israel should be at the top of the list”, delivering these ideas not as sound bites, layered with presumptuousness and pageantry: he wasn’t checking his words with anyone or reading from notes.

Now, politicians are politicians, it’s true.

But this one made it clear that, win or lose, he won’t be reined in by handlers or advisors: he will say what he thinks and, if the American people choose to reject it, he will go back to his day job- one he clearly seems to enjoy, by the way.

He was razor sharp on the economics of the frum community, understanding that none of us lack ambition; it’s a community that cherishes knowledge and we have many students and scholars who choose their lifestyle happily. His zero percent tax plan- yes, zero percent for couples earning less than fifty thousand dollars- could be a difference maker to many in our community.

And because he’s Donald Trump, he breezily added, “And who has time or energy to fill out those income tax forms anyhow, why can’t they make it simpler? It can’t be that difficult to overhaul the program so that Americans can actually fill out their own forms without paying H.R. Block to do it….”

And when he says these things, you find yourself nodding along.

Around his offices, the people love him. Many employees have been with him their entire careers, as one woman told me, “It’s not just loyalty, its comfort. We feel taken care of.”

I went down in the elevator with him and saw his casual banter with the workers, the ‘people’ he claims to understand: I believe it.

Donald Trump is different. He’s got an ego. He’s unpredictable. Sometimes he makes you uncomfortable.

But he’s decent, straight-talking and unambiguous. He’s a problem solver with a proven ability to hire the best and let them be even better- I met several of them.

Particularly impressive is Jason Greenblatt, one of Trump’s top advisors on Israel. The executive vice president and chief legal officer of the Trump Organization is more than a confidante: the shomer Shabbos attorney is a man of intellect and passion, a perfect voice to represent and present our voice to a world leader.

Donald J. Trump the front-runner with a real chance to win the nomination; the Ribbono shel Olam has brought him this far against all odds and there’s no telling where he’ll end up.

Should he become president, I am convinced that our community will have a good, loyal, courageous friend in the White House.

(Yisroel Besser- Contributing Editor, Mishpacha Magazine / YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

32 Responses

  1. By the way both tax plans cruz and trump are hot air. trumps of zero tax on 50k? well any family with children already doesnt pay income tax if they make 50k and aot more than that also i make 80k and pay no income tax a few children is all you need and all you pay is SS which none of the candidates are addressing and thats the big one. Cruz’s plan is actually bad for us and all family’s. under his plan everyone will pay a flat 10% if your struggling now making 80k the first 36k is tax free after that its 10% have fun paying a few grand in new taxes. His talk of eliminating the IRS is also bogus he might be able to downsize a bit but eliminate? whos going to make sure everyone is paying their 10% whos going to handle all the tax exempt status applications and the fraud that goes on with them? What ever these people say read between the lines

  2. Eric55,

    It took me time to decipher what you wrote but I think I got it. You seem not to have a grasp of how paying taxes works but that’s okay because you sound like a lib and reality when it comes to taxes and economics isn’t something libs are good at.

  3. Yisroel Besser is the Orthodox Jewish World’s most talented writer. He is very skilled and perceptive and his writing should receive an award.

  4. Jason Greenblatt, 49, has an unusual resume for a prospective presidential adviser on Middle East affairs. An Orthodox Jewish father of six from Teaneck, New Jersey, who wears his kippah at work, Greenblatt has worked for Trump for the last 19. His titles are executive vice president and chief legal officer.

  5. I’m not a Trump supporter by any means, but it seems like he makes a good impression on people when he meets them one-on-one. Pretty impressed Mishpacha got a sit down with him!

  6. Donald Trump is the ultimate true friend of yidden, he employees a large amount of jews and some are his top advisers and were talking frum jews he respects and cherishes jewish values . Now Ted Cruz when he baked matzos in brooklyn was probably the only time he interacted with jews in a long time.

  7. This is why I refuse to join the #NeverTrump movement. While I would much prefer Ted Cruz to become the nominee and president, Donald Trump has many qualities which will help him be a successful leader. Again, I DON’T want Donald to win the nomination, BUT if he does, he will get my vote in November.

    Eric 55 if YOU read between the lines then you will understand what Cruz means by abolishing the IRS. Of course there will still be a department that collects/reviews tax filings!! He just means abolishing the monstrous, overreaching, corrupt organization of the IRS as we know it.

    Regarding Lubavitcher rebbe: It wouldn’t surprise me if they put those in just for this interview. (the Etz Chaim thing also)

  8. This article is typical Trump. No substance whatsoever. How exactly is he going to make Muslim youth in Europe afraid of attacking Jews? Trump is egotistical maniac who is a danger to America.

    Perhaps Rabbi Besser should have asked him some real questions. Perhaps he should have asked about the negative impact of his 35% import tax on the purchasing power of frum families. Perhaps he should have asked him why he boasts in his book about the immoral acts that he has committed. Perhaps he could have asked him if childish name calling of his opponents is really appropriate. Perhaps he could have asked why he couldn’t answer the question about David Duke and the KKK right away. Perhaps he could have asked him what it means when he says that he consults with his brain because he is very smart. Perhaps he could have asked him why he is scared of Megyn Kelly, about his dangerous comments regarding nuclear weapons, his desire to cut America’s commitment to NATO, his wishy washy stance on Israel and his constant referce to Palestine even though no such entity exists. He could have asked questions regarding the all so many other sophomoric comments that Mr. MR. trump has made in the past.

    Asking real questions would have at least made for an interesting article, even though I doubt that Trump could have answered any of them coherently.

  9. Did you ask him about his reluctance to reject an endorsement from white supremacists? About his physically mocking a disabled reporter? About his name-calling? About his praise for Putin? About his inability to tolerate disagreement without trying to destroy the one disagreeing with him? About his opinion of “journalists” such as yourself that you are “scum” and among the most dishonest people created by G-d? About his disgusting name-calling and treatment of women? About his condoning and encouragement of violence at his rallies?
    If you missed all of these,and more, you wasted your time and wasted the time of anyone reading your so-called “interview.”


  11. I am utterly embarrassed at this absolute fawning by Besser . One thing that Trump is known for is his total disregard for the facts .
    I looked up to Mishpacha for journalistic standards. Unfortunately in this election season many have given up that in order to appease a degenerate person .

  12. To eric55 ted cruz has a tax plan how to make this things happen i dont know how you have 80k and dot pay the usual 15-20% income tax plus cruz will eliminate ss tax which is another 15% of your income this all with a 500 billion dolar cut plan
    trump dont have any cut plan only by letting planned parenthood and paying big amount on education for non private schools and enforcing a universal health care can you tell how he can make the 7-15% tax that he wants another thing he flip flops on so many things so why not on that
    go with cruz that have an organized clear plan on each penny go to https://www.tedcruz.org/l/simple-flat-tax/

  13. How about his suggestion that Japan and South Korea and Saudi Arabia have nuclear arms? GREAT idea, that one. Did you ask him that? Or his 35% tariff to get Mexico to pay for “The Wall.” Did you ask him how that would affect American consumers who obviously would end up paying higher prices for imported good? How about his childish idea to prohibit wire transfers to foreign countries? Who’s monitoring that? You? Oh, and the suit you are wearing, was that made in America or China? If you didn’t ask at least most of these questions, what exactly were you doing there?
    …But thanks for trying!

  14. Eytan Kobre, it should be noted, wrote a scathing article against Trump, refusing even to mention his name. For Mishpacha magazine.
    I understand that there can be different views from one publication, but Mishpacha in general does not work that way, especially since this interview does nothing to address the issues that Eytan Kobre put forward. I’m unimpressed by an individual interview when in public he says terrible things and takes no responsibility for anything he has done terribly wrong, always blaming this, that and the other thing on someone else.
    BTW, I remember Sruli Besser from way back, and even then he always addressed everyone as Reb…, as he does today. A real mentch. And, ordinarily I like his work, but this time being a nice guy and writing poetically just doesn’t fit. While I hope Trump works out if and when he gets to the WH, thus far Kobre is right on the money.

  15. I’m amused by all this talk about “an outsider’s view,” “you get to like him in private,” etc.

    Besser has been openly pro Trump for a while. Just look at his Twitter timeline.

  16. A big yasher koach R’ Yisroel Besser for a job well done! You have made a tremendous Kiddush Hashem! Keep up the good work! I and my family have voted for Trump and hope other Yidden with some common sense do the same!

  17. Sefardi guy,
    I’ve gotten to know Trump quite well these past few months. Here’s my take- a guy who’s great in public but a behema in private is a behema. A guy who’s great in private but a behema in public is also a behema. Either way Trump is a BEHEMA!
    Talking to ppl over the last few months, I notice that bnei Torah and bnei aliyah all can’t stand Trump and can barely bring themselves to mention his name. On the other hand those whose yidishkait is based on sushi and double parking and whose idea of a gadol is someone who has a suburban with lights and sirens, all love this mushchas.
    I see Eytan Kobre represents the former.

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