Op-Ed: Your Most Important Vote

trDear Friends,

Please take a minute to read this heartfelt plea.

When you get into legal trouble you hire an attorney, an accountant prepares your taxes, and you seek a doctor when you feel ill. You seek an expert when you need advice on a matter. I have been following politics for quite some time, and as you know, my instincts were usually proven right.

In 2008 and 2012 I warned that Barack Obama will cause irreversible damage to the United States. His policies, including Obamacare, Dodd-Frank and tax increases resulted in the worst economic recovery in history. His approach to Israel empowered terrorists and his ‘leading from behind’ created a vacuum of leadership in the world.

Please take a moment to read why you – living in Boro Park/Flatbush – can make a difference. Our district – NYC10 – is the only one where Ted Cruz can beat Donald Trump, and we can send a powerful message by voting Cruz.

Here’s why:

1) Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump loses to Hillary Clinton in every poll by double-digits. His candidacy will also cause the Senate and House to flip to the Democrats. This will allow Clinton to pass liberal legislation without protest (remember when Obama had a free reign?).

2) Yeshivos: The Republican-led NYS Senate (with Simcha Felder at its helm) passed legislation that helps Yeshivos (e.g. free transportation). A Trump candidacy will flip the State Senate to the Democrats. If you hope that Education Tax Credits will become law, it won’t happen with Democrats. Not to mention that Trump would not endorse school choice.

3) Israel: Donald Trump vowed that Israel will make concessions to Hamas in his peace plan (which will take “two weeks”) and that he’ll be “neutral”. He failed to condemn BDS and said that the both are at fault. Even Hillary Clinton’s rhetoric has been more pro-Israel!

4) Economy: Donald Trump’s economic policies will destroy the U.S. and world economies. Unlike his businesses, Donald Trump cannot experiment with an economy and then reset it with a bankruptcy.

5) Trade: Can you imagine voting for someone who insists that he’ll ban computers because it ‘destroys jobs’? Trade allows you to buy more products at cheaper prices. Free-trade propelled the U.S. economy to be the strongest economy in the world! Also, we do not have free trade with China (as Trump believes), rather with the World Trade Organization.

6) Cuba: You may not care about Cuba, but did you see photos of Obama’s visit? The reason why they do not have modern cars or goods is because they are not allowed to trade with other countries!

7) Taxes: Donald Trump proposed the largest tax hike in U.S. history. You know it’s bad when it is supported by Paul Krugman and Elizabeth Warren.

8) Nanny State: Donald Trump vows to ban anything that’s not to his liking. Remember Mike ‘Ban’ Bloomberg? Think worse. From free press to presidential candidates… and by the way, Trump endorsed de Blasio for Mayor (how is that working for you?).

9) Religious Liberties: The Supreme Court may rule as to whether a non-Jewish woman can be a סופר, חזן or שוחט. Donald Trump said that Religious Liberty will not be a litmus test for a nominee to the Supreme Court and that he may appoint his (liberal) sister.

10) Isolationism: Donald Trump says that all countries should fight between themselves and we should abolish NATO (despite his support for the UN). This will create chaos in the world with a potential nuclear war. Don’t think that the U.S. will not feel any repercussions.

Bottom Line: In 2012 our district had 800 Republican voters in the primary. If you vote for Ted Cruz – an avowed supporter of Israel and our needs – then we can grant him 3 delegates!

Please don’t be influenced by gold nameplates, music claiming that Trump is the best and by high-school bully tactics. A vote against Trump may be the most important vote in your lifetime.

Dave Hirsch – Brooklyn

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. I’m not interested in your views. Ted Cruz has a huge ego. He has absolutely no friends in Congress. I wonder why. Probably because he’s too dogmatic and completely inflexible. He will be a horrible President.

  2. A prominent Rav spoke about Donald Trump in his Shabbos Hagadol Drasha this past Shabbos. He blasted Trump for being the biggest Baal gaiva he’s ever seen, and for his disgusting nivul peh. The Rav ended off, saying that there is a direct connection between people supporting such a mushchis for President and the sad state of morality in society.
    If you are a frum person and get caught up in all the hoopla of this Trump character (because essentially that’s all he is) then shame on you. He is a pandering liar who will say anything to get people to vote for him.
    I personally asked a shaila about which candidate to support and was told, anyone but Trump.
    Ted Cruz is someone who has unapologetically supported issues like Israel, school choice (vouchers), religios liberty (which includes bris milah and batei din), amongst many social issues important to the frum community. Whether campaigning in Cedar Rapids Iowa, Kenosha Wisconsin or Boro Park, Ted Cruz’s policies and principals have never changed or wavered. He is man of character, a family man and someone we can be proud of to call our next President.

    Vote Cruz 2016!!!

  3. Well till now dave hirsch=YWN gave is biased reporting so called “opinions” from all liberal media, against Trump. Now he comes out himself against Trump because he’s desperate! Stop the hate YWN!!

  4. I don’t understand what this world has come to? There is no such thing as Dass Torah when it comes to voting. That is the beauty about American Democracy. Voting is made to be a personal choice. Anyone could vote for whoever they feel like and it’s none of anyone’s business who we vote for. There is no need to ask Shailos. Just vote and Hashem will put whoever he wants to in the White House


  6. Vote for whom you want, but this is a bunch of ted cruz talking points/lies

    1) Cruz loses by the same margins.

    2) same for cruz (if the assumption is true)

    3) completely misconstrues trumps postitions, and hillary will certainly be worse

    4) neither does cruz, and his 10% tax rate 1) is not affordable 2) will hurt lower class families (most of boro park) 3) depends on cutting social services

    5) dont confuse free trade with fair trade. many countries dump their on us and the WHO does nothing.

    6) and cuba has no economy/manufacturing base of it’s own, which is happening in the usa at an alarming rate

    7) simply not true, he’s lowering the tax rate, but closing the hedge fund loopholes that allow the abundantly wealthy to pay little taxes.

    8) incoherent

    9) another cruz lie. his sister is not a liberal and she was appointed by a republican

    10) not true, trump wants nato to refocus its mission to fighting terrorism and have other member countries shoulder more of the costs.

    dont vote cruz, hes just another sneaky lawyer, vote for either kasich, trunmp or carson (who name is still on the ballot)

  7. This guy deliberately tells lies and I am shocked YWN would print such garbage.

    1. Trump is the only one with a shot at taking NY in the general.

    2The NY Senate will not be affected by national politics.

    3. Hirch lies in this op-ed so much about Israel I do not even now where to begin. No one supports Bibi like Trump, considering he supported his reelection in 2013.

    5 Fact is, we have lost many manufactring jobs to vhina. Trump merely wishes to save industry by making China play fair.

    6Cuba has no things because it is communist.

    7Trump actually proposes to slash taxes more than any candidate, 10 trillion dollars.

    8 This is untrue. Trump does not believe in the nanny state. Again, Hirsch lies.

    9 Trump was joking about his sister and he merely said he does not feel the overturning of gay marriage is not a priority.

    10 Trump just doesn’t want America to pay all our money for defending other countries. Hirch is either ignorant or a liar.

    In short, Trump is the best candidate with the best chance, and the only one who can Make America Great Again.

  8. Does any else notice that the trump campaign is like Scientology? Whenever you get called out or criticized just insult the questioner and attack him instead of responding to his points. Cruz is a mensch

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