Jewish Community Responds Enthusiastically to Pomegranate Day of Giving for Youth – Over $2.55 Million Raised in 24 Hours


It was a fundraiser that exceeded all expectations, with more than 4,000 people taking part in a 24 hour campaign that ultimately raised $2,553,429 for 18 agencies that serve at risk youth all across the globe.  The Pomegranate Day of Giving for Youth kicked off at 2 PM on April 12th and by 8 AM the next morning, the fundraiser had already met its goal of $2 million, with an addition half million dollars donated in supplementary bonus rounds over the next six hours.

“We are elated and touched by the generosity of klal yisroel,” said Abe Banda of Pomegranate who coordinated the event in conjunction with Rabbi Aryeh Young, executive director of Our Place.  “We had hoped that people would open their hearts to the many teens and young adults in need but the response we received was completely overwhelming.”

All told, all 18 participating organizations exceeded their fundraising goals, with six agencies approaching or exceeding 150 percent of the total amount they had hoped to raise.

“After years of providing services to troubled teens and trying to raise public support for the plight of these struggling young men and women, it is immensely gratifying to see concrete proof that people are hearing our message and recognizing the importance of the work being done by these agencies worldwide,” said Rabbi Young. “Having these funds in place allows us to keep our doors open and make a difference in the lives of these young people.”

While the largest campaign topped $500,000, several smaller campaigns targeted less-ambitious goals of $20,000-$36,000, with many other organizations aiming in between. The two most successful campaigns of the day were Amudim Community Resources and the Chananya Backer Memorial Institute/Lev Shlomo in Baltimore.

“There is no way to express our heartfelt appreciation to everyone that came through for us,” said Rabbi Aryeh Zigdon of Lev Shlomo.  “Over the years we have seen so much success as our boys have continued to flourish through the many programs we provide. Seeing the public come through for us in such a big way is a real vote of confidence, a clear message that our efforts are needed, appreciated and effective.”

“A campaign like this gives us the ability to focus on the most important job of all – devoting all of our energies to helping those in crisis,” added Rabbi Zvi Gluck of Amudim.  “The number of cases that come to us continues to grow and having these much needed funds in place allows us to do our jobs that much better.”

Other participating organizations included The SAFE Foundation, BJX, The Center, Matara Therapeutic Boarding School, Aish Tamid, Bais Menachem YDP, Project Extreme, Tekuma/Regesh, Cleveland Torah Youth Center, Retorno, Saving Lives Coalition, Ner Eliezer, Aliya Youth Space, Aliya and Aliya Girls – The Loft.

“I think every organization that participated is feeling the same sense of validation,” said Rabbi Moshe Feiglin of Aliya in Crown Heights, who personally coordinated the participation of five Chabad-Luvatich organizations, including organizations in Pennsylvania, Miami and Melbourne, Australia.  “Seeing the huge response from the public sends a strong message that the Jewish community as a whole sees what each of us is doing and they are behind us and ready to support us, both emotionally and financially.  Knowing that gives us that extra encouragement we need to keep on doing what we do every single day.”

Organizers are already beginning to plan the Second Annual Giving Day for Youth, with hopes to include over 40 participating organizations and raise even more funds and awareness for those who remain in-pain and at-risk within our community.

For additional information about the Pomegranate Day of Giving for Youth, please contact Rabbi Aryeh Young 516-512-4494 or [email protected].

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