ArtScroll’s Nevi’im and Kesuvim Project Continues: Kesuvim: Daniel/Ezra/Nechemiah

Writings_Daniel_ezra_Nehemiah[COMMUNICATED CONTENT]

We spoke with Rabbi Nosson Scherman about the newest sefer in ArtScroll’s Nevi’im and Kesuvim project, Daniel/Ezra/Nechemiah

AS: These three sefarim were written between the churban of the First Bais HaMikdash and at the beginning of the return to Eretz Yisrael and the building of the Second. What are some of the messages that resonate most strongly with our world today?

RNS: Daniel and the rest of his generation lived in a time when many Jews had given up hope. Some even thought that Hashem had rejected them forever. King Nebuchadnezzar tried to tear them away from Judaism and tried to have them killed if they resisted, but their response was strong and courageous. They would not give in. Ezra and Nechemiah led the people back to Eretz Yisrael. Jerusalem was in ruins and the gentiles living in Eretz Yisrael did everything they could to prevent the rebuilding.

These two great leaders succeeded against overwhelming odds. So these Books show us how vital it is to maintain our loyalty to the Torah and to our Torah leaders.

AS: What are some of the features of this new volume?

RNS: It follows the very successful pattern of ArtScroll’s previous editions of Nevi’im Rishonim and Acharonim. In addition to the ArtScroll translations and English commentary, we have added newly typeset, accurate texts of major Hebrew commentaries. That means that students, scholars, and everybody else can learn and understand these sefarim on many levels. And, of course, we have included the classic ArtScroll Overviews.

AS: Ezra caused what might be called the world’s first teshuvah movement. What are some takeaway lessons from the experience of Ezra and Nechemiah?

RNS: It’s hard for us to imagine that many of the Jews who returned to the Land had non-Jewish wives! And the poverty of the people and the opposition of the non-Jews were unrelenting. Ezra and Nechemiah did not water down the Torah to be popular. They convinced the people to begin their lives anew, led them to resist their enemies, inspired them to observe the mitzvos with joy, and encouraged them to rebuild. I think it’s fair to say that they set the example for all generations. You can’t bring people back to Hashem by meeting them halfway. You have to bring them to the Torah, and when we do that, people will respond.

To order Daniel/Ezra/Nechemiah click here.

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