Lapid Received Warmly by Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Grossman


Yesh Atid party leader MK Yair Lapid joined Migdal HaEmek Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaTzaddik Yitzchok Dovid Grossman Shlita packing cartons for ‘Kimcha D’pischa’ distribution.

Rav Grossman told the press “I have no words to express my gratitude to Yair for coming to assist and all are welcome. The very fact we are all here; religious, non-religious and Sephardim is the best expression of the reality of Am Yisrael – Love thy neighbor as thyself.

Lapid was full of words of praise for Rav Grossman and his work, explaining “No one here is asking which tribe do you belong to or which group or faction. It is just Am Yisrael ahead of the chag joined together packing and doing this great mitzvah to bring simcha to others”.

Lapid added “For the past weeks the nation has been busy with hate and we should be busy with love. We should busy ourselves with what the state really is – giving strength and unconditional love and to know that we are here all together responsible for each other. That is why I am here and why we are together”.

Lapid was invited by Rav Grossman to visit and get a firsthand look at his operation towards assisting needy families. The Kimcha D’pischa project of Rav Grossman’s Migdal Ohr Institute is now in its 13th year. However, not everyone was pleased with the visit as some chareidim were angered to see Lapid greeted with such warmth by Rav Grossman after the damage he caused during his tenure as Finance Minister in the last Knesset.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Tomer Devorah says that even if someone has no personal merits, it is proper to show him honor because he has distinguished ancestors, and Lapid had one ancestor who was an odom gadol me’od. Maybe on his zechus Lapid will come to do teshuva.

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