VIDEO: Decision Regarding Extradition of Rabbi Berland to Israel on Hold Until Next Week

berlFollowing a five-hour delay on Thursday 6 Nissan, the court proceeding against Rabbi Eliezer Berland, head of the Breslov Shuvu Banim Kehilla, continued in a Johannesburg Magistrate Court during the afternoon hours.

Appearing before a magistrate court in tallis and tefilin with a number of chassidim in the courtroom, Rabbi Berland was to hear if Israel’s extradition request is going to be honored. However, the state told the court it requires additional time to prepare for the bail avadavat received from the defense attorney earlier, explaining the state plans to oppose it.

The court granted the rabbi’s request that his own doctors treat him while held in detention.

Tensions were running high among chassidim, who were waiting to hear the verdict, if the Rabbi will be extradited to Israel or be released. The chassidim recited Tikun Klalli during the court proceeding.

Israel Police have been after the Rabbi for a number of years, hoping to finally hear the extradition request is granted to send him home to face an investigation based on complaints by multiple women against him in Israel.

The rav’s saga during recent years has been difficult as he has been on the run, entering and fleeing from a number of countries as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. reply to No. 1

    He has ZERO kedushah…..this guy is an actor whose cult-like followers bribe local officials to keep him just beyond the reach of extradition. Hopefully, this time he will put on plane back to EY and put on trial for the assaults and misery he imposed on a number of women victims. He deserves to rot in jail but he is somehow able to perpetuate the fraud. The stupidity and arrogance of showing up in a foreign court in tallis/tefillin is beyond belief.

  2. theprof1,
    we have a general klal that hamotzy es chaveiro alav haraya. Therefore, i don’t think one should say that a talmid chacham isn’t holy, as these are just claims and arent proven.
    Kol Tov

  3. Mr. theprof1:

    What an offensive statement. Rav Berland has no faith in any man. The only one he puts his trust in is Avinu Shebashamayim. That is why he can appear in court with his tefillin. If you would do such a thing, then you are correct, it would be a big piece of sheker, pure fakery. – as if you are holy.

  4. i would be scared to speak against such a holy person,SO WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ! LOSHON HORA IS WORSE THEN ANYTHING

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