FBI Arrests Ramapo Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence

cslFBI agents have arrested Ramapo Town Supervisor Christopher St. Lawrence on corruption charges, according to law enforcement sources.

The arrest was made after a three-year probe into the finances of Ramapo’s baseball stadium Provident Bank Park, the home field of the Rockland Boulders.

Another person, the former executive director of the Ramapo Local Development Corporation, has also been arrested.

He’s accused of inflating town assets to obtain the $25 million in municipal bonds used to build Provident Bank Park in 2012.

St. Lawrence also was Ramapo Local Development Corporation chairman. Investigators were looking into the movement of money between that agency and town accounts. They also wanted to know whether the LDC, which oversaw the stadium project, generated money and repaid the town.

Deputy Supervisor Patrick Withers says the arrest isn’t surprising given a 2013 raid where authorities seized town documents and computer hard drives.

A press conference with Bharara and Rockland County DA Tom Zugibe is scheduled for today in Manhattan at 11 a.m.

(Source: News12)

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