With the Help of Yad L’Achim, a Boy Returns to His Biological Mother Ahead of Pesach

yadl21With Pesach a short time away there is a palpable current of emotion among Yad L’Achim officials as Galit (not her real name) is about to be reunited with her biological son of five after he was living with a foster family for two years.

Galit has been extricated from an Arab village and has been in a rehabilitation program since; working with social workers and other professionals. As a result of the program she entered the order against her was revoked and she is once again viewed to be a suitable mom and will be able to live with her son.

Galit explains that since she began trusting in Yad L’Achim her life began falling into place, telling the press she is thankful each day for the organization that is saving her and her child.

Galit has had a difficult few years. She is the mother of three children, of which two are in adoption and foster care. Hence the connection with her five-year-old is extremely important to her.

She explains at first she was granted weekly supervised visits in the social work facility. During recent weeks she began hosting the children at home for visits and now, B”H, they will be living together.

Yad L’Achim explains Galit approached them, explaining she is looking to turn her life around. She expressed a willingness to do what it takes to accomplish this and things are progressing as she remains committed to her new life.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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