Polls Shows that Most Israeli Youth are Right-Wing And Plan to Serve in the IDF

idfA survey commissioned by Yisrael Hayom carried out by New Wave Research Institute shows most Israeli youths are politically right-wing. The poll was conducted from March 27th to 30th, including 308 Jewish Hebrew-speaking 11th and 12th graders. The margin of error is +/- 5.7%.

To the surprise of many, 59% identify as right-wing as compared to 23% centrist and 13% left-wing. The remaining 5% are undecided.

Do Israeli Arabs have to be represented in Knesset?

52% yes

48% no

Should the soldier who shot & killed the wounded terrorist in Hebron on Purim be tried?

60% no

30% yes

10% do not know

Do you appreciate your teacher?

75% yes

25% no

Do you see your future in Israel?

89% yes

11% no

Do you love your country?

85% love or love a great deal

15% do not love

Do you plan to join the IDF?

88% yes

12% no

Do you believe a true peace agreement can be achieved with the Palestinians?

82% slim to no chance

18% there is a chance

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Interesting stats though 308 people is hardly a representative sample. So how does the IDF release stats indicating that close to 50% of draftable youth are not drafted? The army also says that of those not drafted, only about 12% are because of “religious reasons.” Presumably yeshiva bochurim and chareidi girls. Where are the rest?

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