Grodna Mashgiach Visits the Home of a Bochur Wanted by Military Police

gMilitary police in Israel use bein hazmanim as an opportunity to apprehend talmidei yeshivos who failed to report for military service. This past Monday (3 Nissan), military police arrived in Ra’anana in the hope of apprehending a Grodna Ashdod talmid who failed to report to military authorities. The news of the arrival of military police spread quickly and many talmidim and avreichim responded and succeeded in preventing the arrest. Military police left empty-handed.

The young talmid and his family were surprised that later that night the Mashgiach of Yeshivas Knesses Yitzchak Hadera, HaGaon HaRav Tuvia Novik Shlita arrived at the home to give the talmid and his parents a chizuk. Rav Novik heard of the attempted arrest after leaving a chasenah and decided to pay the family a visit to give them support.

Rav Novik is quoted telling the talmid “Not reporting [for military service] is a Jewish and not a political duty. One must not cooperate with the state regarding induction since their goal is to destroy Torah. By not reporting for this ‘chezkas isur’ one is being MeKadesh Shem Shomayim. This is a genuine obligation to exhibit one’s true commitment to Torah and this is the essence of Kiddush Hashem”.

The rav adds “Some believe that by not reporting in line with the will of the rulers of the nation it is a Chilul Hashem but this is not so. The concept Kiddush and chilul Hashem are proof of one’s commitment to Torah and HKBH. This is the difference between Kiddush and Chilul Hashem – if we have proven our commitment to Torah or chas v’sholom the opposite. Hence, when a bochur yeshiva does not report to an induction center he is proving his commitment to Torah and HKBH; and therefore this is our obligation”.

Rav Novik added “sitting in prison is praiseworthy as the Holy Tana Rabbi Akiva sat in prison as did Avraham Avinu. G-d willing you will not sit in prison but if so, one needn’t be alarmed that we are loyal to the Torah and this is our base as Jews”.

The rav then closed with a bracha: “May HKBH assist you in becoming a talmid chacham and you the parents will realize much nachas from all the children in good health and tranquility and this home should merit much bracha with Siyata Dishmaya”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Uncle Ben – What nonsense!! There is no gadol in the world that holds if a bobchur is sitting in yeshiva learning that he should NOT report or serve in the IS army.

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