Van full of Yeshiva Bochrim Flips as Driver Swerves to Avoid Deer; Miraculasly Everyone Escapes With No Injuries

vA 15-passenger van full of Bochrim overturned on Monday night when the driver swerved to avoid a deer. Miraculously, all the occupants escaped without injury.

According to TLS, at about 11:30 PM Monday night, the group Bochrim were headed from Lakewood to Philadelphia, when the the driver swerved to avoid a deer in the roadway near the 195, and lost control of the vehicle.

The vehicle flipped, coming to rest on its side on the side of the road.

Lakewood Hatzolah was called, but luckily the the occupants were able to self-extricate themselves.

No one was taken to the hospital.

5 Responses

  1. Mendoza, and you know that this was the zechus? And with this zechus, Reb Elchanan, Hy”D, and roshei Yeshiva,and admorim, and Yeshiva bachurim, were all slaughtered. When will everyone stop explaining G-d’s specific actions as if they know the precise reason why He saves one but not another. What do we gain from such ignorant talk? Please! The Ribono Shel Olam has His cheshbonos and we are not privy to them. Think of one’s own responsibility, do mitzvos, don’t do aveiros, do teshuvah for what you have to and mind your own business when it comes to other people’s zechuyos and chovos.

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