Photo Essay: American Gedolim Meet Regarding Chinuch Of French Jewish Children At Home Of The Kaliver Rebbe In Williamsburg (Photos By JDN)

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5 Responses

  1. Beautiful pictorial essay!
    Shouldn’t this album be entitled “American Gedolim Meet at the Home of the Kaliver Rebbe in Williamsburg Regarding Chinuch of french Children.”
    May the Kaliver have a רפואה שלמה.

  2. Confusing headline. The French children are not being educated at the Kaliver beis medrash in Willy. That was where the meeting of the gadolim, shlita took place. A very impressive lineup of chashuve rabbonim who are taking the lead in assuring these yiddeshe kinderlach get a good torah education and a safe and supportive environment.

  3. The headline writer is the same guy I heard on the street of BP yelling “throw my wife out the window a towel please”.

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