The Chesed Fund Site Raises Close to $10 Million Dollars Without Taking Commissions

PhotoGrid_1466450533194Avi Kehat of is celebrating the feeling of accomplishment of doing a huge mitzvah,

He is ecstatic as the stats indicate that users are seriously utilizing his brainchild Chesed idea. Some of the funds has raised over $500,000 alone and scores of other campaigns are seeing success with the new platform.

The crowd funding website has raised close to $10 million dollars just two years after the Chesed Fund launch.
Capture“close to $10 Million dollars  raised and ZERO dollars charged in commissions” exclaims Kehat.

The developers had undertaken this initiative  years ago as a Chesed they could offer the global Jewish community.

“We noticed that GoFundMe and other crowdfunding sites had been used for many Jewish causes and we just wanted to help the people keep their hard earned funds” states Kehat.

He undertook the initiative and spent  thousand of hours on the development of this platform and made it completely commission free.

Shlomo Spitz, a frequent user of GoFundMe told YWN that in reality, his chesed campaigns were easily paying up to 8% commission.

“The ones who desperately needed funds were getting taxed from these crowd funding sites and I have felt they were literally taking bread from mouths of widows, orphans and others in need”.

“The only fee involved is the credit card processing fees, we just couldn’t find a way around that” says Kehat.

The credit card processing is handled by ‘Stripe’ which is a 3rd party credit card processor.

“The site does not profit from those fees and we have chosen ‘Stripe’ simply because they offer very flexible development tools” Kehat told YWN.

“We are ecstatic about the response and we will continue using our skills to keep this Chesed project going” he concludes.


The Following info-graphic is a breakdown of GoFundMe pricing and fees compared to the Chesed Fund’s 0% commission.



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