Senator Felder Highlights Pesach Sanitation Pickups/ Chometz Burning Schedule

feldSenator Simcha Felder is happy to inform the community that there will be additional sanitation pickups in his district.

In Flatbush (Community Board 14):

· For areas with regular pickups on Mondays/Thursdays, there is an additional collection on Friday, April 22nd.

· For areas with regular pickups on Tuesdays/Fridays or Wednesdays/Saturdays, there is an additional collection on Thursday, April 21st.

· For all residents, there will be an additional Friday recycling collection from 12 midnight to 8:00 am.

· All recycling materials must be placed at curbside on the evening of Thursday, April 21st for collection on Friday, April 22nd.

· All regular refuse materials, including chometz, should be placed at curbside no later than 11:00 am on Friday, April 22nd.

In Boro Park (Community Board 12):
· Sanitation is now picking up bulk items and will continue to do so until Friday, April 22nd. Items should be placed out for collection as early as possible. Cardboard boxes should be tied up and placed outside neatly.

· The entire district will receive a recycling pickup on Thursday night, April 21st, into Friday morning, starting at midnight until 8:00 am.

· The entire district will also receive a regular garbage pickup on Friday morning, April 22nd, from 6:00 am until 2:00 pm.

In all areas:
· Mattresses and box springs must be completely wrapped (use bed-bug bag or plastic). If a mattress or box spring is unwrapped, Sanitation will not collect it and you may be fined $100.

· Electronic items will not be picked up by the Sanitation Department and you may be fined $100. Electronic items should be brought to the local garage on 19th Avenue and 56th Street.

· Department of Sanitation policy requires a special appointment for removal of discarded refrigerators and/or air conditioners. Arrangements can be made by calling 311 prior to the week of April 18th to ensure pickup before Pesach.

Chometz Burning Schedule for Friday, April 22nd:
· All chometz burning must be completed by 11:34 am. The Fire Department will strictly enforce this curfew.

· Please burn only chometz. Do not burn flammable or combustible items or chometz enclosed in foil wrap.

· Do not use paint thinners, aerosol cans, sprays, lighter fluid or any flammable liquids to ignite the fire. These items have caused serious accidents in the past.

· Only official fires with permits will be allowed.

· For information on fire locations, contact:

o Shomrim of Boro Park 718-831-7080

o Shomrim of Flatbush 718-338-9453

o Chaveirim 718-431-8181

o Community Board 12 718-851-0800

o Community Board 14 718-859-6357

“Best wishes for a kosher and feilichen Pesach!” – Simcha

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