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AG Mandelblit Explains to Bar Association Conference About His Opposition to Gafne’s Mikva Bill

aviAttorney General Avichai Mandelblit addressed the annual conference of the Israel Bar Association in Eilat. He spoke of the Mikve Bill sponsored by MK Moshe Gafne and his opposition to the bill, which he said “Is an exceptional decision but it is made without any other alternative”.

He told his audience “I was compelled to render my opinion on the bill which seeks to limit the use of state-run mikvaos. I determined it does not meet the constitutional requirements in its wording as mentioned.”

Mandelblit continued, explaining that permitting tevila according to the halacha of one and not others is a violation of the core of freedom of religion and the nation’s Basic Law guaranteeing human dignity and the right to equality. He feels that the bill will not stand the test of a challenge to the High Court of Justice.

In an effort to circumvent the High Court ruling ordering the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert toivel in front of a Reform beis din, Gafne introduced the bill. The bill in Gafne’s eyes is non-discriminatory since it bans tevila in all state-run mikvaos by all converts, including Orthodox.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. And where exactly does the learned MK expect gerim to toivel? How many cities and settlements in Israel have private mikvaot? Very few indeed.

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