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9-Year-Old from Elad Found Abandoned in Yahud

mishtA 9-year-old boy from Elad was found abandoned in Yahud by authorities. Police were on routine patrol when they detected the young boy.

The story begins at about 2:00AM when police patrolling the city found the child alone outside. Police described the child’s appearance as “neglected”. They took him with them and began efforts to track down his parents. They learned that while he lives in Elad, he was not reported missing.

Police traveled to the family home in Elad to report finding the boy but the father did not express appreciation, but rather he shouted and acted in an irate fashion towards police. He refused to accompany them to the station where his son was held.

The father was arrested and the son was turned over to social services. No additional information is being reported at this time.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Babakama genius, was found, abandoned in Yahud, by authorities. Sounds better? That means that the authorities found him abandoned in Yahud.

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