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The Shin Bet Arrests a Brother of Riham Darawshe in Duma

dumaThe ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) has arrested a brother of Riham Darawshe, the mother who was killed in the arson attack in July 2015. At present the reason for the arrest is not being publicized but it is assumed to be connected with the second Duma arson that occurred recently.

Police recently announced the facts uncovered in the investigation that while the second blaze also appears to have been arson, they do not believe Jews were behind the attack as residents of the PA (Palestinian Authority) village told police is the case.

The arrest leads some to hypothesize that the brother may have set the second fire to incriminate Jews in yet another attack. Regarding the first attack, Amram Ben-Uliel was arrested and indicted for allegedly carrying out the attack. Ben-Uliel maintains his innocence, explaining his confession was the result of coercion and torture by interrogators.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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