MBD Concert In Jerusalem Arena Stadium Canceled – ‘Vaad Mishmeres Kodesh’ Takes Responsibility For Cancellation

mbdAn erev Pesach entertainment event in Jerusalem’s Arena Stadium that was to include Mordechai Ben-David has been canceled. According to a Kikar Shabbos News report, the cancellation follows the intervention of the “Vaad Mishmeres Kodesh & Chinuch”.

The entertainment event “Kumzing – By the Minagnim Orchestra” – was for men only, sponsored in part by the Jerusalem Municipality and was scheduled for Monday evening, 10 Nissan. The chairman of the vaad, Rabbi Mordechai Blau, announced on Sunday, 24 Adar-II that the committee opposes the event which if held, will be going on against the wishes of gedolei yisrael shlita.

Kikar reports as a result of the vaad’s announcement, the event is being canceled.

Rabbi Blau says that the Vaad takes issue with these shows since “gedolei yisrael oppose them”.

No names of any Gedolei Yisroel were named.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

27 Responses

  1. Outrageous. Who are these “gedolim” they didn’t mention?

    100 people associated with that show have now lost parnassah. Most probably because of Jealousy.

    An all-men show? Now thats also a problem? Whats next, banning breathing?

  2. Cool! Who are these people on this Vaad Mishmeres? Did they appoint themselves? Can someone tell us a bit more about this “Rabbi” Mordechai Blau? he sounds more like a political kingpin than a talmid chachem and moreh hora’ah…. Politics are best left in the hands of our true gedolei yisroel.

  3. Another graphic example of a loss of deracheha darchei noam. I’m willing to bet that whoever the “gedolei Yisrael” are, they are misinformed by their “handlers.”

  4. I dont wanna say for sure but this smells like the work of stupid radical extreme haredim. If indeed gedolei Yisroel were against it I take back my comment but i highly doubt that was actually the case. These kumzitz events with mbd are usually very inspiring and bring people a lot of much needes chizuk and deveikus baHashem. The chizuk is Especially those trying to live in eretz yisroel al pi daas Torah if their rabeim who get bombarded with obscure hashkafik and halachic opinions that make them feel like they have to live their life based on every shita thats published on the sticky glued posters on mthe walls on malchei yisroel.

  5. just for the sake of “danning lekav zchus”….could it be that the opposition has something to do with having a musical event in yerushalayim…where the former bais hamikdash stood? i don’t know. i’m just speculating.

  6. Why don’t the gedolim put their name? Because there are no gedolim app opposed to the concert. Just a bunch of trouble makers stealing people’s parnassah. JUST SAYING!!!!

  7. Initially my reaction was the same as those who have already commented, but then I thought is it really right that the men/bochurim should be out a few nights before pesach leaving the already exhausted women to do everything? Surely there are some jobs at that stage that the men should and could be helping out with? Why not have it a couple of weeks before Pesach or alternatively at a suitable time after? If that would happen and this Vaad still wasn’t happy then I would be more suspect.

  8. i once heard motke blau being interviewed on the radio. he was boasting of all the concerts he got cancelled over the last 30 years. People who knew him were calling in left and right calling him a thug & hypocrite, they were w/ him on mixed seating buses (oy-vey) to meron while the women were singing, etc

  9. Last year there was an Avraham Fried concert in Manchester. Some busybodies got a letter put out by some chosheve local Rabonim, saying that’s it’s osur to go.
    One of the Rabonim said later that if he had been told to what extent the organisers had arranged the mechitza, and separate entrances for men and women, with separate car parking etc, he would not have agreed to the letter.

    What is it that people can’t fargin others to have a good time? Why do they hide behind a non-existant organisation like “Vaad Mishmeres Kodesh & Chinuch”?

  10. Sorry, but this is nothing new: Gedoile Yisroel, Roshei Yeshivos etc have many times signed their objection to such events for various pressing reasons.
    However the Vaad Mishmeres would be well advised to provide the names of the Rabbonim behind them.

  11. “One of the Rabonim said later that if he had been told to what extent the organisers had arranged the mechitza, and separate entrances for men and women, with separate car parking etc, he would not have agreed to the letter.”

    It is not clear from reading this whether the rabbonim who said this were cunningly mislead by the hockers, or whether they didn’t bother asking about this. If the first, then they got duped (though perhaps they should have known better), and in the latter case, it seems that they behaved irresponsibly. It is not as if such arrangements are the most unbelievable, remote possibilities. Why would they not think about and ask about these issues before signing their names to this? I hope they just got fooled, and did not otherwise act irresponsibly.

  12. Concerts that are for men only is forbidden. But burning dumpsters and hezek to public property at Hafganos is encouraged. I know which side I am on.

  13. Operating a “vaad” with no Rabbanim officially behind it , is an “untervelt” tactic. Is is thuggery. The organizers should reinstate this event.

  14. M,
    It seems that your first assumption is correct. The reason stated in the letter, was a lack of tznius at these events.
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t go, but friends who did, said this was the most tzniusdikke separate seating event they had ever seen.

  15. 19 and 23, was it so tzniusdikke that there was even separate oxygen for men and women, along with the separated entrances, doors, seating, etc.? Clearly, the issue lies in something else why this was cancelled.

  16. Do you think that the concert organizers would agree to cancel such an event when so much planning went into it already, if there was not a “real” rabbinical group behind this?!
    Would they get scared of some noisy Rabbi Blau?

  17. @rach1 – Excuse me. HaRav Shteiman is not a Gadol? HaRav Chaim is not a Gadol? HaRav Weiss is not a Gadol? HaRav Shternbach is not a Gadol? HaRav Pavorsky is not a Gadol? HaRav Kushelevsky? HaRav Edelstein? HaRav Finkle? HaRav Carlebach? HaRav Nisin Kaplan. . .

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