Obama Says Iran Nuke Deal A Substantial Success

irPresident Barack Obama says the nuclear deal with Iran has achieved a “substantial success.”

Obama is meeting on the sidelines of a nuclear security summit with other members of the U.N. Security Council that negotiated the Iran deal along with the U.S. He says as a result of the deal, the world has seen “real progress.”

Obama says Iran already is beginning to see benefits from the deal. But he says it will take time for Iran to reintegrate into the world economy.

The leaders are using the meeting to review progress in implementing the Iran deal. Obama says it’s a reminder that when the global community stands together, it can promote common security. He says he hopes successful diplomacy like the Iran deal can be copied in the future.


3 Responses

  1. Shew!
    Thanks for the good news Mr. Know-it-all.!
    It’s good to be encouraged by the commander in-chief whom everybody, worldwide, holds in such high esteem! Now we feel relaxed and reassured cuz Mr. BambaMan told us that all is a-okay!
    The stimulus, the IRS scam, the Bengazi fiasco, the Iran Trust deal, ObambaCare! This world is ……! Ready for the change he promised! Time for a real working president! It’s a shame he’s so young and we’re going have to support him for a long time!

  2. I thought I would have to point it out to the president but he seems to have noticed:
    “Obama says Iran already is beginning to see benefits from the deal.”

    He’s right, it is a substantial success. For Iran.

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