First in Israel: Surgery that Removes Shaking due to Parkinson’s Disease

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In a medical breakthrough, a treatment has been found to treat Parkinson’s disease. In a rare procedure, brain surgery was performed to treat Parkinson’s and its subsequent shaking via ultrasound waves.

The surgery was done in Haifa’s Rambam Hospital, and was done during the annual conference International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound (ISTU) held last Tuesday.

The complex and innovative surgery was developed by the innovative Israeli company InSightec. The procedure is performed utilizing ultrasound waves while the patient lies within a MRI machine wearing a special helmet. The surgeon uses a computer mouse instead of a knife.

After only an hour, the patient can get up and leave the hospital without shaking. The patient can regain their quality of life which has been lost due to Parkinson’s disease.

InSightec’s system has performed 500 such treatments around the world – in the US, Switzerland, South Korea, Spain and Italy. This is the first time the procedure was done in Israel in Rambam Hospital.

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