EJA Calls on EU Leaders top Recognize Jewish Holidays as Official Days of Rest for Students

margEJA’s Rabbi Menachem Margolin calls on EU leaders and Ministers of Education in Europe to recognize Jewish holidays as official days of rest for students

Thursday, March 31st, Brussels—- The European Jewish Association has called upon leaders of the European Union institutions and the European Ministers of Education to obtain the right for Jewish students to be absent from class to observe a religious day.

Following recent complains concerning examination dates coinciding with Yomim Tovim and Shabbos, students have been forced to choose between abandoning either a moral or academic obligation. As universities represent bastions of cultural diversity, they should be able to respond and cater to the needs and beliefs of their students, whatever their cultural or religious background.

Rabbi Menachem Margolin, General Director of the European Jewish Association states: “Jewish people have been living in Europe for thousands of years and should have the same rights as European citizens”. Even though they have adopted European values, they have not always been able to freely practice their religion. But EU guidelines now enshrine this freedom. Freedom of religion is an individual right that can be exercised by everyone everywhere and Europe should respect it.

For this reason, the European Jewish Association requests the European Union institutions leaders to support the freedom of religion and by that to recognize the right to Jewish students to be able to observe religious festivals and be excused from class without penalties.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. For information to the readership: The European Jewish Association is nothing more than Chabad-Lubavitch´s European rabbinical organization. They are only talking for their rabbis and other European Jewish kehillas does not care about what R Menachem Margolin says.
    The mainstream Jewish standpoint is that major Jewish holidays should be treated for all Jews as Christian holidays for others.

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