Haggadah shel Pesach of Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt”l


It is still difficult to believe that Rav Chaim Yisroel Belsky zt”l is no longer among us. This larger-than-life figure, who was the embodiment of how Torah is the key to all the wisdom in the world, was one of the foremost poskim and gedolim of our times. He gave so much to Klal Yisrael—and the truth is, he is still giving so much to us, even after his petirah, as his students and followers continue to learn from his teachings and psakim.

Pesach is fast approaching. What did Rabbi Belsky teach us about Pesach and the Seder night? Now is the time to avail yourself of the B’tzeis Yisroel Haggadah, which will give you the opportunity to have your Seder graced by the gaon’us and greatness of Rav Belsky!

This gem of a haggadah from Rav Belsky is actually two sefarim in one: a halachah sefer, containing Rav Belsky’s brilliant pesakim and guidance in the halachos and minhagim of the Seder, as well as a compendium of unique divrei Torah and insightful explanations on the Haggadah shel Pesach. Also included are lengthier derashos b’aggadah and b’halachah, on topics ranging from biur chametz, the wine to drink for the four kososYetzias MitzrayimKrias Yam Suf, and numerous concepts in Sefiras Ha’Omer. The pieces are concise yet thoughtful, original yet steeped in halachic basis, and with Rav Belsky’s inimitable style of delivering ingenious divrei Torah that touches upon all areas of Torah and life in general.

This Haggadah truly packs 245 pages worth of Rav Belsky’s invaluable knowledge! Your Seder experience will be immeasurably enhanced by it. Compiled by R’ Yitzchok Hoffman.

Available at local seforim stores or direct from the distributor, Israel Bookshop Publications. Click here for the B’tzeis Yisroel Haggadah.

One Response

  1. -CAVEAT EMPTOR- Let the buyer beware! This haggada was not written by R’ Belsky, nor by one of his talmidim. Seller is advertising the sefer on their site “Author: Rabbi Yisroel Belsky”.

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