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HaGaon HaRav Ba’adani Travels to Yerushalayim to Give Aryeh Deri Chizuk

baaPolice have announced that they are probing Interior Minister Aryeh Deri for alleged illegal activities. A court has imposed a gag order on publishing details of the case.

On Wednesday 20 Adar-II, the head of the Shas Moetzas Chachmei Hatorah HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita visited with Deri to give him chizuk.

Another member of the Torah Council visited Deri has well, HaGaon HaRav Shimon Ba’adani, who traveled to Yerushalayim on Wednesday evening to meet with Deri too. He instructed Deri not to be afraid, telling him “I hold your hand and bless you to have Siyata Dishmaya to continue escorting your holy work…”

״אני מחזק את ידיך בחום ומברך אותך שהסייעתא דשמייא תמשיך ללוות אותך בפעולותיך הכבירות למען חיזוק התורה ולומדיה, ושתמשיך להוביל את התנועה בבטחה ובהשקט״.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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