Photo Essay: Purim 5776 By Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky (Photos By JDN)

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6 Responses

  1. Just wondering , In reading the Megillah , should it be folded in the form of a letter , or as shown I’d this photo of Rabbi Kanievsky, can it just be left role ?

  2. Great Point!
    i just read for the Gilyon Divrei siach –
    Rav Chaim Holds like the Chazon Ish that during Keriah you can leave it rolled, i have a copy of the Gilyon in PDF – 2 pages – Email me and i can send it to you
    [email protected]

  3. That halacha is specific to the Ba’al Korei. The Mishna Berura brings down that an individual need not fold the megilla as an igeres.

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