New Campaign Ad By Hillary Clinton Targets Donald Trump In New York

trhilHillary Clinton debuted a new television ad ahead of the New York primary aimed squarely at businessman and Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump.

The ad, a 30-second spot entitled “New York,” features Clinton as the narrator. It juxtaposes images of the state’s diversity against Clinton’s condemnation of Trump’s rhetoric.

While Trump isn’t named, the ad prominently features a “Trump: coming 2016” sign, similar to the ones that adorn his real estate projects.

“New York. Twenty million people strong,” Clinton said in the ad. “No, we don’t all look the same. We don’t all sound the same, either.

“But when we pull together, we do the biggest things in the world,” she added.

As images of Muslim women in American flag headscarves, Spanish-speaking shop-tenders and New York City firefighters roll in the background, Clinton criticizes Trump’s proposals to build a wall at the Mexican border and ban all Muslims from entering the United States.

At one point, video of a recent Trump rally where a black protester was punched by a Trump supporter is also shown.

“So when some say we can solve America’s problems by building walls, banning people based on their religion, and turning against each other. . . . Well, this is New York,” Clinton said. “And we know better.”

The ad is Clinton’s first direct attack on Trump in television advertising and is the opening foray in a New York primary that will feature three candidates with ties to the state: Trump, Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

The Clinton campaign intends to direct much of their firepower toward Trump, setting up what they believe will be a general election battle that pits Clinton’s campaign message of unity against Trump.

The April 19 primary marks a rare election cycle, also, where the state’s race will be competitive, and the Clinton campaign hopes, determinative. In addition to sharpening their contrasts with Trump, the campaign will need to ensure that Clinton – the state’s former senator – isn’t embarrassed at home by Sanders.

The state has 247 pledged delegates at stake and the Sanders campaign – which has opened a campaign office in Brooklyn – has telegraphed that it expects to sharpen its attacks on Clinton over issues like fracking and Wall Street in an effort to win many of them.

(c) 2016, The Washington Post · Abby Phillip

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