Police Commissioner Alsheich Responsive to Gafne’s Concerns

gafAs photos and videos show, some of the police who were operating at the protests outside Yeshivas Pnei Shmuel in Bayit Vegan used excessive force. This was brought to the attention of MK Moshe Gafne, who discussed his concerns with Israel Police commissioner Roni Alsheich who was visiting Knesset. Kikar Shabbos News reports that Alsheich assured Gafne he would probe the matter and become involved personally.

Gafne also spoke with Jerusalem Police Chief Yoram Halevy, learning from the senior commander that while police wished to push off the demolition at the yeshiva, City Hall officials including Mayor Nir Barkat insisted police act now, without delay.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Only by this protest the police used excessive force??? every protest they go wild y did Gafni get involved only here?!? because he dosent care a thing it’s only a few hundred votes that he cares about because if not he should get to do something by the protests that the one’s that don’t particepate in bechiros as well !!!!!

  2. We should all be so thankful for our wonderful medina! These “courageous” yeshiva bochrim would never dream of so obnoxiously antagonizing an NYPD police officer or for that matter an officer of any major Western city- be it Chicago, LA, London, Paris or Toronto. One shudders at the thought of how the violently chutz la’aretz police would react to such despicable provocation. But the yiddisher police officers allow themselves to be pushed, spit at, and called “Nazis” and all they do is make a few token arrests. After all that, they promise to investigate “allegations of excessive force.” With bnei yeshiva behaving like this it’s a wonder that anyone would become a baal teshuva. Certainly not a kiyum of “B’chol Mi’oidechoh- Shetehay shem shomayim misahayv al yodechoh”!!
    Obviously the anti-medinah kannoim won’t like my comments but emess is emess!!!

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