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A Son is Born to Administrative Prisoner Meir Ettinger

ettAdministrative prisoner Meir Ettinger, 25, a grandson of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane HY”D remains in detention by Israeli authorities for over 7.5 months. He has not been charged with any crime as the state lacks any proof regarding the allegations against him.

His wife has given birth to their son but he remains imprisoned. In August 2015 Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon signed the administrative order to detain him without charging him with a crime. Then Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein approved the arrest. He launched a hunger strike in October 2015 and again in January 2016 in protest over his detention. His detention was extended for an additional four months a month ago.

The son born to the Ettingers is their firstborn. Attorney Sima Kochav is representing Meir and has already turned to authorities to permit him to attend his son’s bris. Now the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) and Israel Prison Authority will have to decide how to respond.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. he like his zayda is a tzadik, the Zionists have tortured him to no end and denied him tefillin, something they would never do to a Muslim prisioner. Soon they will send him to a kibbutz/gulag to get reeducated.

  2. Now DM Ya’alon should act preemptively and lock up the newborn boy into “administrative” detection, just in case.

  3. “His wife has given birth to their son but he remains imprisoned.” My, what will Israel do next?! Now they are imprisoning newborns (who were apparently imprisoned before birth as well, if I am inferring what this statement is implying)!

    I am calling the grammar police. Let’s see who gets it next – mwhahaha!

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