Tzfat Chief Rabbi Eliyahu: The Soldier Who Killed the Hebron Terrorist is a Hero

eliyahTzfat Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita feels officials who decided to imprison the soldier who shot and killed a wounded terrorist following a terror attack in Hebron on Purim erred in their judgment and instead of jailing him, he should be praised for his actions.

In his comments to Kol Rega Radio, Rav Eliyahu explained “I would call the IDF Chief of Staff and Defense Minister to order” for their decision vis-à-vis the soldier.

The rav used harsh words in his criticism of the two senior officials, stating for over a half a year the two have failed to stop the wave of Palestinian terror attacks and when a soldier acts properly, they imprison him.

“Instead of dealing with the murderers with an iron fist, they are champions of releasing murderers from prison, champions in transferring funds to the PA (Palestinian Authority)”. He added “There are over 30 persons who were murdered and dozens wounded. There are hundreds of families that were impacted and we have to digest this all. However, the real tragedy is this soldier. The Chief of Staff and Defense Minister go after him”.

Rav Eliyahu believes the two, the Chief of Staff and Defense Minister “should be called to order” for their decision. He adds “I did not attend command school and therefore I do not give advice but clearly their actions are inappropriate as is the system which is destroying the spirit of the soldier – it is silly. He is going to place this poor soldier on Trial? He will place all the soldiers who dare to open fire on trial?”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. the rav is 100% right and the next logical step is to call on his followers to join their chareidi brethren in boycotting such an army and not joining let all the journalists of Labor, Meretz and Yesh Atid join the combat units.

  2. This soldier caused untold damage to the country. Such acts embolden the haters of Israel and streghthen the BDS movement, while weakening Israel diplomatically. If the reality is that the terrorist was already neutralized than this soldier must be punished severly for the extreme damage that he has caused.

  3. Remember Baltimore when the leaders went after the Police doing their jobs? Crime is out of control there now. In Hebron this will only increase the attacks because Police and soldiers will be afraid to take action against these animals. Look at Belgium, France and Germany today with their Liberal policys. This solider is a HERO and we should support him in every way possiable.

  4. Chief Rabbi Eliyahu is 100% Right and rules according to jewish law.
    Y’Aalon is AMOLEK WHOSE hands are dripping from the blood of the civilians and soldiers killed in the Gaza war who authorized to tortures Rabbi Kahane’s grandson and other zionist heroes who has nothing to do with the killing in Duma Y’Aalon is a traitor he is the horrific cancer of the
    reform jews who supported the killing of 6 million by hitler Please, read State Department Archives. Y’Aalon MUST BE tried for high treason and hanged like Haman.
    The pig headed Eisenkot the erev rav ,hellenist ,meretz traitor forces relligous soilders to shave their beard just like the nazis and bolsevik Stalinist forced jews to shave.He is the enemy of the jewish people like sheik Yassin he must be tried for high treason and hanged like
    Haman so jewish people can rejoice and sing and dance like we had a modern day Purim.If we do not want a new Aushwitz we must go to war against the reform and destroy
    each them the horrific cancer of the jewish people must 100% destroyed like Amolek.

  5. To: crazykanoiy #2
    This soldier may “caused untold damage to the country”, but he did the grate service to Jewish People and Eretz Ysroel. The “neutralized” terrorist is the the one who is really dead. The only thing i would add to the Rav’s “psak” is to instruct soldiers to use bullets tipped in pork lard next time. This should be a lesson to all future would be terrorists.

  6. #4 took the words right out of my mouth, Yaalon is a rotzeach the same status as Rabin had, he is mamosh a rasha merusha and is his boss BIBI.

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