Breaking the Silence NGO May Be Under Investigation for Treason

yaalThe Breaking the Silence NGO has often been in the media, albeit in a negative light as the extreme left-wing organization seems to have lost all sight of acceptable activities. In the latest incident involving the organization, government officials have learned they debrief soldiers and pass information to enemies of Israel including classified information that can compromise and harm state security.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon is confirming that an investigation has been launched against the organization, which once again appears to have crossed a serious red line, Channel 2 News reported.

Ya’alon told students in a Kfar Blum high school the organization does not necessarily have to be outlawed but it must be silenced literally. He explained that if the probe does show classified information has gone where it should not have, then an investigation will have to follow, adding if they have classified information or share it outside the country it is treason.

Ya’alon’s somewhat understanding position is not shared by many of his colleagues, who feel the organization should and must be shut down once and for all and its members who are involved in passing classified information placed on trial for treason.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I have doubts about this claim. The government is possibly inventing a ruse to silence the criticism that comes from this group. Free speech is not alive and well in Israel today.

  2. Agree with MTAB’s comments…this group has repeatedly embarrassed the government with its revelations and silencing criticism is alive and well today as the government is not in a strong position to survive. Yes, that is the price for a democratic society with freedom of expression.

  3. Breaking the Silence is a foreign funded anti Israel hate group, who specialize in demonizing IDF soldiers before international audiences. The group should be banned and its leaders prosecuted.

  4. 2 & 4, your knowledge of NGO GROUPS – especially those funded 75% & more by foreign government & pro – pally groups is minimal.

    Breaking the Silence has nothing to do with democracy & positive criticism against the IDF – it was established by left-wing, pro- Arab, anti- Israel donors to malign the State of Israel.

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