PM Netanyahu’s Plan to Resolve Kosel area Dispute

koselChareidi MKs on Monday evening 11 Adar-II met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in an effort to resolve the dispute surrounding the egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel. Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman and MK Moshe Gafne met with PM Netanyahu in his office. Also taking part was Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who is reportedly the architect behind the egalitarian prayer area.

One thing that is clear following the meeting is that MK Moshe Gafne and his colleagues are now maintaining a lower media profile on the matter following the release of harsh statements and threats to break the coalition. During recent days many chareidi MKs stated there would be no compromise regarding recognition of Reform Jewry, warning the Prime Minister they are willing to go to new elections over the mater.

They also discussed Gafne’s bill which prohibits any and all converts from toiveling in state-run mikvaos. That bill was passed in its preliminary ready but faces formidable opposition among MKs from coalition parties including Kulanu and Bayit Yehudi.

Regarding the mikve bill, a number of suggested changes were made that Mandelblit feels he can successful defend if the law is challenged in the Supreme Court, which is likely to occur.

While finding a solution to the mikve bill is likely, the issue of the egalitarian prayer area is far more problematic in the eyes of the MKs and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. All concerned have signaled there will not be any compromise in their objections to any form of recognition for the Reform.

Gafne and Litzman told the Prime Minister that there are two demands being made that are simply unacceptable, non-starters. These include demands by the Reform to be on the governing body that runs the Ezrat Yisrael area, the egalitarian prayer area at Robinson’s Arch and the second, that the Ezrat Yisrael area cannot be designated a ‘holy site’ by the state, which would place it in the same category as the Kosel and other ‘holy sites’.

Mr. Netanyahu presented a possible compromise solution initiated by Minister Ze’ev Elkin, who feels perhaps the chareidim would agree to permit the Jewish Agency run the council that will oversee the Ezrat Yisrael area. They told Mr. Netanyahu the Elkin compromise would be presented to Gedolei Yisrael to decide.

On Wednesday, 20 Adar-II, the Knesset adjourns for Pesach vacation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. when was last time one heard a reform clergy was a poal yeshuous? when was the last time one heard a reform clergy give a mussar shmuss his ‘followers’ should be more observant? when was the last time a reform should go to his clergy to say tilem concernining a sick person? etc etc

  2. I agree with you, of course. But the Reform don’t believe those are even inyanim. They deride us for believing in any part of Yiddishkeit. So your point, as true as it is, doesn’t serve to convince them. It makes sense to US, but not to them, sadly.

  3. Isn’t it wonderful to see the Reform Movement doing Yeshiva after 200+ years of tearing the heart out of the Torah? Someone please explain to me why the Reform Movement deserves any deference at all with regard to anything having to do with Jewish law and custom. It is as if draft dodgers who fled to Canada should now have the right to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, dictating military policy. Yikes!

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