BREAKING: Photograph Of Brussels Airport Bombing Suspects Released


5 Responses

  1. Looks like a dirty Muslim.
    Whats scary is that in Brooklyn all the Supermarkets, Yeshivas etc.. are giving jobs to these animals.
    Every time I go shopping in a local supermarket I hear in there native language how they make anti-semetic statements. I complained to the manager and he couldn’t care less! Hire Mexicans, Russians, WHY MUSLIMS!!!!

  2. I am absolutely shocked its a Muslim, I followed dear Obama’s advise after he went to the mosque in Baltimore and did not engage in “Islamophobia” or allow Hollywood make me believe Muslims are terrorists based on movies and now this? This has to be a Mossad plot, because after all we know Islam is a religion of peace and time and again (911, bostom bombers, nidal Hassan, san Bernardino) the Mossad makes it look like a Muslim did terrorism. To all haters this is sarcasm, but its not sarcastic when I say the president of the US is on THEIR side. #1 is right I see Muslims taking over entire former Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn, look around torah vdaas it resemebles Karachi and “frum” landlords rent and sell to them.

  3. To the first few commenters:

    Oh come on. Don’t be silly. This was caused by a video put out by some evil white racist Republican denigrating Islam.

  4. karlbenmarx, Before you go and blame Obama for everything. just remember that it was George W. Bush who went to an Islamic Center only 7 days after 9/11 and pronounced “Islam is peace.”

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