PHOTO: Donald Trump’s Daughter, Grandson Preparing Mishloach Manos For Purim


37 Responses

  1. #1 “Are these the Jews we should be proud of?”. I happen to think “yes”. I’m not sure what your interpretation of Purim is, but I interpret it as a day of giving Shaloch Manos and Matanos La’evyonim to EVERY (Halachic) Jew. Regardless if they wear a black hat in Monsey or a blue hat in Kansas City. Regardless of whether they are a Democrat or Republican, or watch TV on Shabbos or don’t even own a TV. Though I wouldn’t lovingly associate with the Trumps, Ivanka’s husband (a Kuschner) counts as 1 towards a minyan- just like you or I. Please think about the larger picture of the beauty of Purim.

  2. I am Sorry but a convert that does not keep Tznius might not be a convert also to convert to marry you are on a higher radar

  3. i agree 1000% with TGIShabbos–comment #4. it could not have been said better or more concise. yasher koach–whoever you are!

  4. Just for the record, in order to be megayer, she had to be mekabel the main woman’s mitzvahs. The rest including tznius I believe is not meakiv. You can ask youre clor, but that’s what I was told. She did undergo a orthodox conversion, which makes her just as Jewish as anyone who is born Jewish and rach”li doesn’t dress appropriately. I Understand people don’t like trump, but regarding his daughter there’s a special mitzvah to love a convert. So please cut it out already!! At least don’t publicize you’re animosity in total disregard for a clear mitzvah in the Torah!!!!

  5. Yitzy B
    But I live in Flatbush where the skirts are getting shorter and the sheitels longer every year
    She didnt convert into a heimish community
    So lets stop the hate
    I think the picture is beautiful

  6. Every mitzvah makes Hashem proud. Always look at the positive and you will have a new outlook at life.
    Keep smiling and be happy

  7. #7, and if you are a real “kosher Jew” you better get your act regarding minding your own business. I am sure you have plenty of things to work on towards being tzadik, instead of looking at others.
    and regarding the #1, let’s be honest, many people probably feel the same, but are to shy to post, because converts and baalei tshuvah are a second grade Jews for them, if they consider them as Jews all together. Nothing new here.
    Hag Sameach!

  8. 3. first of all a convertion for the purpose of marrying somebody …ahem
    2nd of all, without kaboles hamitzvas….

    3rd of all the rabbi who performed….lookstein…ok . so its not so pashut

  9. 4 na, na na….if they are mechallel Shabbos they (by the way mechallel shabbos has a din of idol worshipper and he cant be counted for minyon…If you clergy says otherwise then your OO and down.I can see where your coming from)… the major what purim is about the the yidden accepted volantarely the torah oral and written not as you .its not a yom tov of celebraring to do what you want

  10. Yizy, with all do respect don’t get me started about your narrow vision of the world. Tznius does not make the person. All the Yiddisheh Ganavim out there ( read chilul hashem) they might carry them selves with tznius on the outside for show, but the bottom line is Gd knows the truth and so do you. Happy Purim.

  11. I think there is a different of being proud with someone and love them (ahavas yisrael) we need to be proud with our rabbanim and rosh yeshiva and all jews who are doing the most they can do for hashem but we still need to be “ohev” all jews in whatever matzav they are
    I think this will give the right picture on this story

  12. Allan #3: No they are not. They used Mr. Haskel Lookstein for the so-called conversion. Mr. Lookstein is famously known as the churchgoing rabbi ever since he went to church and sat in the pews while the priest delivered his homily to yushka after President Obama was inaugurated. His voodoo conversions are as legitimate as those of Avi Weiss and other reform rabbis.

  13. Yitzy B If you go through the list you were over about 14 issurei diOraisah, including equal to the big 3, as well as malbin pnei…eyn lo chelek liolam haba. (Not to mention the YWN moderators for allowing such a comment). But Im sure concern for tsnius is really a big priority for u.

  14. @Yitzy B
    Not that I follow the Modern Orthodox interpretations of halachos but your comment is just as meshige as Git Meshige.
    The family is as Jewish as you are but have different minhagim. Tolerance is the act you need to get together.

  15. It is obvious she converted only so she can marry Kushner, which is not a valid conversion. If you go on her twitter account you will see she tweets on Yuntif. She has not accepted the Mitzvos

  16. With all due respect to everyone, if she has horrendous pictures of herself all over the internet I am not so certain that she would be considered an oseh maaseh amcha!

  17. So the general consensus is that this picture belongs on @realdonaltrump and not on YWN? Can’t remember last time a post got so many comments, does this article count as a caucus? If yes, how many delegates does the winner of this debate get?

  18. Btw, I don’t understand what the מחלוקת is about, the yingele looks quite tzniusdik to me, he even has a bib to cover his low neckline….nu, so he ate abisele more nosh than his mother let him. For this u haftu go crazy?

  19. For the conversion to have been valid, she would have to have accepted the 613, not just “the big 3” or “the top 10”. Clearly she didn’t, as she violated tznius immediately after her so-called conversion at her wedding when she wrote a pritzus dress.

    And she had tweeted on Shabbos shortly after her pseudo conversion.

  20. Are you all people judges today? Is that acceptable?
    This child was born as a Jew, enjoy and love our children.

  21. You guys are all wrong. (Most of you at least). She is a convert. So this has nothing to do with what other Jews do or don’t do. As a convert she needs to accept all mitzvos. Including tznius. Now if she converts & says she accepts every mitzvah we believe her & she’s kosher. If she immediately goes and begins to violate a mitzvah regularly then this is a big sha’ala. the fact that Haskell lookstien made this conversion is not a point in her favor to say the least.

  22. If she was mekier according to halucha. Then give her some slack. She has along ladder to climb. With hashems help she will reach her plato.

  23. Torah Law isn’t a guessing game! R’ Moshe זצ״ל has a famous תשובה about גרות of a woman who isn’t ready to accept upon herself צניעות להלכה but just the “norm and accepted” way of dress, which unfortunately isn’t להלכה.

  24. Who says G-d likes her any less than all the “walk the walk and talk the talk” Jews, who are “Tovel vSheretz BYado, who PROUDLY and PUBLICLY excuse away hundreds of Aveiros?

    I would say G-d likes her WAY more!

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