New High Tech Iyun Shiur to be Launched

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It is a shiur for two types of people.

It is for those who fondly remember the depth of study that they had reached while in Yeshiva. And it is also a shiur for those who never had that opportunity, but so much want it.
Wherever you are, the software calls you on your preferred phone when the shiur is about to begin.

You can register for it on

It is an interactive conference call shiur,with remarkably prepared Marei Mekomos delivered by Rabbi Yair Hoffman. The shiur will begin on Sunday evening at 9:45 PM.

The Marei Mekomos are prepared by the Lakewood Yeshiva’s remarkable Shivti program.

It covers the most pertinent subject matters. This Sunday, it will be an in-depth analysis of the Mitzvah of Matanos L’Evyonim. Next week, it will be on the obligation of learning the laws of Pesach 30 days beforehand.

The shiur will be presented by Rabbi Yair Hoffman who is known for his clear presentation and understanding of the relevant material.

The Shivti learning program now has over 30 chaburos in ten different cities: Toronto, Dallas, Far Rockaway, Detroit, Los Angeles, Brooklyn, Miami Beach and more.

It is coordinated by Rav Avrohom Yishayah Frand, a chassidisha yungerman from England. He is an extremely talented Talmid Chochom who heads a whole team.

Rabbi Avrohom Colman, one of the coordinators, says, “The goal of the program, to quote Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l, ‘part of the mission of BMG is to provide opportunities for serious Torah learning.’ That is what this program does.”

And now for the first time, the shiur will be available to everyone in the world regardless of their location.

One just needs to register at

As an added incentive, is offering the 10th and 30th person who registers a fifty dollar gift certificate at their local Seforim store.

The sources for the shiur can be downloaded at the site. The shiur will begin at 9:45 PM Eastern Standard Time and will last approximately an hour.

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