Mixed Messages from Health Minister Litzman

litzHealth Minister Yaakov Litzman in recent days made his party’s position crystal clear, there would be no compromise regarding the Reform Movement. He spoke about red lines and the possibility of breaking from the coalition if left without another alternative. He stated the Prime Minister can be friendly with the Reform abroad and the Chareidim in Israel, but not both.

Speaking with Kol Yisrael Radio’s Reshet Bet on Thursday, 7 Adar-II, Litzman stated Yahadut Hatorah is not planning to break apart the coalition, accusing the High Court of Justice of violating the religious status quo with recent rulings.

Litzman commented on the death of former Mossad Director Meir Dagan and stated there is no doubt he gave his life for the nation and much of his sacrifice is not known by the public. He told radio host Yoav Korkovski that Prime Minister Netanyahu prefers the chareidim in Israel over the Reform and while he needs the Reform for money, he needs the chareidim to get elected. He stressed his party is not looking to topple the government and it’s the court that is violating the religious status quo and without it, there will be no government. He took another jab at Reform Jewry stating “The Reform don’t know what a mikve is. For them it is a Jacuzzi”.

He accused the Supreme Court of involving itself in religious matters while the High Court does not interfere in Islamic matters.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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