It’s [Almost] Official: Danny Dayan Will Not be Israel’s Ambassador to Brazil

danIt would appear that Brazil’s refusal to accept Danny Dayan as its next Israeli ambassador has paid off. The Foreign Ministry has already begun seeking a suitable alternative to Dayan, who was labeled persona non grata by Brazil due to his former ties to the Yesha Council and settlements. Israel has remained adamant in the hope of pushing the appointment through, but to no avail as he remains muktzah in Brazil.

In the video one sees the Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee MK Tzachi Hanegbi stating “Let’s not fool ourselves. Dayan is not going to be the ambassador to Brazil”.

Despite the report and the statements from Tzachi Hanegbi, the Foreign Ministry on Thursday afternoon announced that the release of a tender for a new candidate for the post was the result of “a technical error” and Danny Dayan remains Israel’s candidate to become Jerusalem’s next ambassador to Brazil.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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