New Advances in Lenses for Nearsightedness Now Available in Brooklyn


How many of us have been frustrated and disappointed as we take our children to the eye doctor, and are told that they have become more nearsighted. The ramifications of high myopia are not only thick lensed glasses, there are also various conditions that are associated with high myopia, including retinal detachment.

At the office of Dr. Aaron Schron we are constantly keeping up with new advances and technology available in the treatment of near-sightedness.

There are many factors leading to progression of myopia. Some are unknown and some are not treatable, such as hereditary factors.

There are physiologic and functional factors as well. However, thanks to recent research, treatments have shown promising results in the control of myopia.

These include use of pharmacological agents, and specialty design soft contact lenses.

Recently there has been another exciting development in Myopia treatment showing significant results in the slowing the progression of Myopia. In clinical studies, there have been very promising results found, using specially designed spectacle lenses (not bifocals).This non-invasive method offers a promising alternative. It gives children the opportunity to see well, and hopefully slow down the progression of nearsightedness.

These lenses were previously unavailable in the United States. Dr Aaron Schron has arranged the availability of these lenses to our patients.

To schedule a Consultation please call :

Dr. Schron at 718-851-9578     [email protected]

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