‘Reporty Homeland Security’ Launches Mobile Video Emergency App

rReporty Chairman Ehud Barak: Amid growing terror and violence, the app lets people feel safe and connected.

Israeli startup Reporty Homeland Security launched its mobile app to the general public. The new app works in collaboration with MDA, security agencies, and a number of municipalities. It is hailed the worlds’ first mobile video emergency app. It permits one to press the button, contact the appropriate emergency agency and a preset group and instantaneously begin broadcasting live data from an emergency scene. developers report the app will also broadcast from areas with shaky connectivity due to “groundbreaking technology”.

At present, the app will operate with a number of MDA dispatch centers including Ra’anana, Modi’in, Hod HaSharon, and Ashdod.

Developers of the app explain the average ‘911’ call lasts 2.5 to 3 minutes as a dispatcher attempts to understand the nature of the call and appropriate response required. The app would live stream information from the scene, providing significant accurate information from any scene.

The company was founded in 2004 by CEO Amir Elichai along with former Prime Minister & Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Barak is an investor as well as Chairman of Reporty. The app can contact police, fire and EMS.

For android.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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