Mrs. Weissman Wins Her Battle Regarding Inscription on Her Husband’s Matzeivah

tviaMrs. Yael Weissman, whose husband IDF Sgt. Yanai Tuvia Weissman HY”D was murdered by an Arab terrorist during a terror attack in the Rami Levi supermarket in Shar Binyamin has won her battle pertaining to the inscription on her husband’s matzeivah.

The Defense Ministry planned to write “killed in a terror attack” on the matzeivah, but she insisted it should say “fell in battle” as he was killed after intervening, trying to stop the knife-wielding terrorist from attacking others.

Mrs. Weissman used social media to explain her position and in the hope of receiving public support for her battle. IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott was consulted on the matter, and he agreed with Mrs. Weissman, clearing the way for the Defense Ministry to change its position.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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