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Mishpacha Presents Song Composed By R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz In Memory Of HaRav Yisroel Belsky ZATZAl

mYou know that feeling you experience as the sky darkens on erev Shabbos, longing and anticipation and inner turmoil and calm all at once? The sense that the week is slipping away, but a new one is arriving and everything is possible again?

Imagine you can capture it in song.

R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz has.

This week’s Mishpacha mega Purim issue includes a single composed by Reb Shlomo Yehuda, a niggun for the onset of Shabbos written in tribute to his shver, Rav Yisroel Belsky zt’l.

A talmid chacham is b’bechinas Shabbos, Chazal say. Shabbos is the ‘tachlis,’ the point of the other six days and someone who learns Torah lishma- the goal of creation- carries that same aura.

The niggun, set to words from the holy tefilla of Kgavna (a ma’amar haZohar Hakadosh recited in nusach Sfard minyanim before Borchu on leil Shabbos), combine the elements- Shabbos, a true talmid chacham, and the heartfelt expression of a child.

You will be moved.

Enjoy it.

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